@writer80 If I am interested in economics, would the Arts and Science school’s economics program suffice, of would it be better to apply to CALS and go into the Dyson school of applied economics and management?
@Wje9164be The weighted GPA is on a 4.5 scale
CALS @becca15
@writer80 But I feel like CALS is a lot harder to get into… do you know the acceptance rate ED?
Hi @becca15-- I would recommend against applying to dyson ED. They are known for securing athlete/in-state/urm during the ED round and deferring most qualified applicants to RD. Since CALS is state-endowed, there is a strong preference for new yorkers during the ED round. CAS on the other hand is privately-endowed, so your chances of admission are much greater with CAS ED. Hope this helps!
HI…I just got your email and I am looking over your stats.
Any idea on your class standing?? Did I miss it? Even if your school doesn’t rank, do they give some indication of class standing like decile or quartile? This would be very helpful info.
Assuming you are around top 10% in your class (but not sure?)… (this is kind of off of the top of my head)
Purdue - West Lafayette - I’m assuming this is your safety and you shouldn’t have a problem here.
Cornell (ED) - If this is your first choice I think ED is a great idea. Which school? Liberal Arts or one of their other colleges? If you are in the top of your class, I think you have a better than 50% chance getting in ED here. Your EC’s are amazing and if your school is a top school, they will know that. If you are flexible, maybe you want to look at their ILR school? It might be a big less competitive than going liberal arts there and it is a great program.
Brandeis - High Match/Low Reach
BC - High Match/Low Reach
Villanova - Match/High Match
Washington & Lee - High Match/Low Reach
William & Mary - High Match/Low Reach
McGill - High Match/Low Reach
Your schools are all about the same level and I think you have a great chance at all of them. The reason I called most of them a low reach as well is because there is just so much uncertainty and these are great schools that probably attract a lot of “elite school rejects” (can’t think of a better way to say that!).
I suggest you demonstrate interest where they pay attention to that (and even if they say they don’t, a note to an admissions counselor can never hurt as long as you ask an intelligent question that cannot be answered from their website).
If you need another safety, how about Maryland? Or GW? They have great Econ and Poli Sci and proximity to DC would be great for those majors.
Good luck!!!