Hey! I’m a white female, blue ribbon public high school in a MA suburb, really competitive school, grades aren’t just handed to you.
Purdue - West Lafayette
Cornell (ED)
Washington & Lee
William & Mary
GPA: 3.75 W (our school only does weighted GPAs)
ACT: 33 Comp. (35 Math, 31 English, 33 Reading, 33 Science) (“SuperScore” would be 34 Comp, due to previous test date)
Subject SATs: 750 Math II, 740 US History (will take Spanish in Oct.)
-Freshman: Honors Geometry, Honors English, Honors Biology, CP History (no honors available), CP Spanish II (no honors available), Honors Web Design I
-Sophomore: Honors Trig. + Algebra II, Honors Chem, Honors Writing Lab +American Dream, Honors Spanish III, Honors Web Design II, Teachers Assistant for PE
-Junior: AP US History, AP Comp. Sci., Honors Pre-Calc, Honors Spanish IIII, Honors Physics, Honors Shakespearean and Modern Drama, Teachers Assistant for History
-Senior (coming year): AP Economics, AP Spanish, AP Calculus AB, AP Physics, Honors Masterpieces (english)
P.S.: School doesn’t allow students to take AP’s until junior year
-Founder and President of high school’s Red Cross Chapter (2015-present)
-President-elect of Harvard Model Congress chapter, participant since 2014
-National Honor Society
-National Spanish Honor Society
-Tutor (volunteer) @ local middle school (homework help and test preparation to students struggling in school, '15-present)
-JV Soccer ('13-'14), JV Lacrosse ('14)
-Varsity Track and Field ('15-present), Nominated for League Championship, Nominated for State Relays
- Intern at Harvard University- Lichtman Lab (neuroscience/brain analysis, summer '15 and summer '16, paid)
- Participant at Social Justice Institute @ Rosie’s Place (women’s shelter in Boston), and current volunteer
- Senior Referee (soccer) @ town, club, and state level (2010-present)
- Youth Volunteer Assistant @ local farm (summer '14)
- Associate @ Panera Bread ('15-present)
-President’s Award for Educational Excellence ('13)
-Silver Award-National Spanish Exam ('14)
-Bronze Award-National Spanish Exam ('15)
-Bronze Award-National Spanish Exam ('16)
Super interested in Economics, potentially Political Science & Government.
GPA has improved every year, and courses were extremely challenging both Sophomore and Junior year.
Comments (reach, match, safety) would be greatly appreciated, especially regarding the econ and poli sci. programs at each college.