What are my chances......?

<p>I'm an international student applying UChicago EA. Now it's like only 6 days to wait but I just can't calm down. Can anybody be kind and tell what are my chances?</p>

<p>Chinese, Female
SAT Reasoning: Critical Reading: 780
Mathmatics: 800
Writing :620
SAT subjects: Math2 800 Physics 800 Chemistry 800
Tofel internet based 113
have lived in Ireland for a year dec.2006-dec.2007
class rank top 5%
GPA 92.625 weighted
very demanding high school curriculum</p>

<p>EC: sport:
1 volleyball team, first passer 2 years
2 swimming, member of a amateur club of a university 3 years
1 member of dance team 3 years, member of an amateur dancing club 2 years
2 drama directing and acting in text plays 2 years<br>
1 Taichi and Taichi sword 3 years
2 MUN director of academic department, one of organizers of regional conferences and delegates of national and international conferences
Community Service:
1 part-time interpreter in a university 3 years
2 performer in Chinese New Year Gala 2007 of the Confucius Institute University College
3 dumpling maker and waitress of Chinese New Year Party 2007 Quinn Business School UCD
4 waitress of informal parties Quinn buisness school UCD
5 member of Charity Club when I was in Ireland, sponsoring a girl in Congo with the whole class</p>

<p>honors: national creative writing contest 3rd prize
regional english speaking contest 1st prize
school chemistry contest 3rd prize
excellence of journal school level
excellence of research project school level</p>

<p>essays pretty good and unique</p>

<p>and I applied for Financial Aid which definitely put me in a very competitive pool
After I submitted I felt Uchicago is too high a reach. Any suggestion or match of other universities?</p>

<p>Being an intnl seeking aid means no one can guess with any accuracy. Chicago has limited money for intnls and it will depend on factors not in your control such as whether they have qualified applicants from your country who can pay.</p>

<p>Huh? IIRC, Internationals applying for aid cannot apply EA…</p>

<p>Edit: Guess not. They must’ve changed that policy this year.</p>

<p>But yeah, being an international applying for aid at Chicago is tough. I don’t know any international students here who received any kind of aid. Don’t take it too hard, but don’t get your hopes up too high. Most of the people here on CC who were internationals receiving aid also got into Harvard, et al.</p>

<p>Oh I forgot to say I have an excellent recommendation from a professor in Ireland. But i missed the deadline to request an interview which is said to “have no impact” but surely it will, I guess… now i shouldn’t expect much by the 15th and should concentrate on other regular decision universities, should I apply for harvard or princeton which are extremely hard to get in?</p>