<p>Male from Georgia, majoring in business.</p>
<p>Sat: 2000
GPA: 3.9 uw
AP's: 6/ Honors: 5 By graduation</p>
<p>FCA (10-12)
Debate- Novice, JV for 3 years (10-12)
Habitat 4 humanity- member/ officer (10-12)
FBLA- member/ officer/ vice president (10-12)
Class council- class rep, and treasurer (10-12)
Captin/ member of hockey/ tennis/ raquetball team (10-12)
Officer and member of NHS(11-12)
member of NSHS/officer(11-12)
member of SADD(9)
Internship at Foot Hill Capital (11-12)
Community Service hours-at various places: 700+ hours by the end of 12th
Many other awards
Organized a lot of events in different clubs
Part time job from 9-12th grade</p>