What are my chances?

<p>Hi! So I'm brand new to this site and I have read through hundreds of posts. I was hoping you guys could help me out in my chances to get into a competitive university and where you guys think I could get in. I do not want to sound egotistical but I am going to make an accurate representation of myself. I am currently a sophomore at a public high school. How our high school works regarding GPA is that you take your standard 4.0 scale and add .2 for every Hon/AP/IB course. My class schedule for all four years is,
Orange County Academic Decathlon
Biology (No such thing as honors Bio for Fresh at our school)-
English 1 Hon-A
Model United Nations/Cult Geo Hon-
Algebra 2 H-
Spanish 2
Cross Country/Track</p>

Honors Chem-
Ap Language-
AP Euro-
Honors world history/MUN
Math Anly Hon
Spanish 3

<p>Junior (Help me)
Physics AP
AP Lit
Ap U.S.
Ap comp. gov/Ap U.S. gov/MUN
Ap Calc AB
Ap Span 4
Psych SL
Orange County Academic Decathlon

Phys HL2
International relations/MUN/SL
Music Theory SL
Ap Biology
Orange County Academic Decathlon

<p>Online Courses for all 4 years: Calc BC, Health, Economy
I am the current Valedictorian of my class and I have a GPA of 4.8, but if I continue my straight A's (Hopefully! :) ) I can potentially come out with a 5.1.</p>

<p>Regarding SAT scores, I will be participating in a 12 week hardcore SAT prep class that is well-known. In February of my Sophomore year I scored a 1970 (800 on math, 650 on reading, 520 on writing) at the ELITE prep school. (Their Practice tests are actually harder though) Kids who start out at my score have the potential of getting a 2250+ and my ultimate goal is a 2300.</p>

<p>Regarding track and Cross Country, our team has the potential of ranking in the state this year, I will hopefully contribute to our rank. </p>

<p>I am the president of a club that raises awareness and money for children going through life-threatening illnesses called Let it Be, and I am also on the board for Habitats for Humanities, international cultures club, various Math Clubs and I am currently the Middle Secretariat Secretary General for the MUN program. Hopefully, I can achieve the rank of the actual SG.</p>

<p>I have been playing the piano for 10 years now, however I don't compete in competitions like other talented musicians, I treat it as a fun hobby rather than and pressuring job. </p>

<p>I put my full effort into everything I do and I still have a while to go before I know where I will be spending 4+ years of my life. But, I am asking you guys, What should I do to exclude me from the rest and be accepted? Where do I have the potential of going! I really appreciate it guys! :)</p>