What are my Chances?

<p>Story: Upcoming junior year. I had a SAT teacher. I asked her if it was possible for me to get a 2150. She said the chances are very low and I should settle for a different school. This made me furious. I hate being belittled. so i decided to dump my girlfriend, stop hanging around friends and study for that score. Lol JK I dont have friends. BUT ANYWAY. So I am a REAL average teenage boy. I am little late bloomer... no I didn't grow any big jugs. I mean that I found out my passions and what I really want to do a little late (I LOVE MATH and music). I am an upcoming Junior. Heres my stats so far. and my plans.</p>


<p>Were no APs till Junior year. Plus had to take rocks->bio->chem->physics before AP science.</p>

<p>*Freshmen year: I dont remember specifics but i was 31/496.
*Classes: alg2/trig, orchestra, health, gym,accelerated Rocks, music theory I, Honors History, Normal English, Honors Biology, and Honors spanish 2
*Summer: I took health 2, and FCS (family consumer science) to get out of way</p>

<p>*Sophomore Year: 32/513
*Classes: Honors chemistry, honors spanish 3, Music theory II, Honors Precalc, Honors english, gym, orchestra, and Honors history
*Summer: I took Physics at a community college. Got a 100 :D (I swear I am not smart, it was a community college LOL).</p>

<p>Junior Year: 1/513.. haha no we dont know yet now do we?
*Classes: honors english, honors seminar, AP bio, honors history, AP Calc, orchestra/gym, AP stat
*Summer: maybe a job? take spanish 4 over the summer?</p>

<p>*Senior year: 0/513.. i broke the system.
*Classes: AP english, AP history, AP calc 2, AP comp sci, AP Music theory, AP chem, and orchestra (it fits)
*Summer: maybe a job?</p>

<p>Official SCORES:</p>

<p>I took the SAT/pSAT, and subject SAT sophomore year because I was hoping I'd get lucky.</p>

<p>*SAT: 1710 (700 math, 450 writing, 560 reading)
*pSAT: 170~ (80 math, 40 writing, 50 reading {cant remember specifics})
*Math subject test II: 750 (it seems high but one can get like 7 wrong and still get 800 PLUS its my major so it better be higher)</p>

<p>unOfficial scores(practice tests): </p>

<p>SAT: 1850-2020 (730-800 Math, 590-650 writing, 530-570 reading~~SUPERSCORED~~)
ACT: 26. LOL</p>

I plan on taking about 3-4 sat practice tests a week and studying thoroughly each test (like why i got stuff wrong). As well as learning barrons 3500 words. I am not doing a fall sport. I am going all out. Also studying muchos mas. </p>


<p>I DID A LOT OF STUFF. I had a lot of free time cos i didn't really have a lot of friends to screw around with haha. I did all this just for fun. Not intended to impress just thought I would try a lot of things.</p>

<p>*Science fair: 5 years. lots of 1st-3rd places in botany. plan on doing till senior year (only did it because my father made me in 6th grade but he died so now its just in memory.)
*Sports: Tai-kwon-do/Runner/soccer(goalkeeper). Leggo Realmadrid. 4years/8years/3years respectively. marathons, competitions, black belt, club teams, school team, recreational, reffed for little kids for fun, and lots of broken bones haha.
*Music: I'm intensely into cello practice 5 hours a day. I've been playing for 2 years. I joined an orchestra late in the season. Then auditioned for three higher "class" orchestras over summer, made two of the three. I am proud to say I got a lesson from Metta Watts, an assistant of Orlando Cole.
*Clubs: Tri-M, student consul, tutoring club (math), science fair club, FCA, applying to NHS, and forming a math club.
*Volunteer work (hours): Help taught kids music at girl-scout and boy-scout troops. (like ~50h). Did a few hours through youth group (like 5h). Helped out at an orchestra camp (like 30h). Helped reff games (like 5h). Science fair judging (like 3h). Math tutoring (10h).</p>

<p>Accomplishments & Leadership!</p>

<p>-science fair crap
-soccer/karate/running crap (captain of fall and spring soccer)
-load of music crap (first chair!...in school orchestra. Also officer in orhcestra+Tri-M)</p>

<p>**hoping for more school/math crap :x
What are my chances to like IVY League schools like Stanford,Yale,Upenn (my aunt is a dean at Upenn. shhhh), Cornell, and Columbia.</p>

<p>What about some smart schools like Carniege Melon, UNC-chapel hill, and Umich Ann Arbor?</p>

<p>What about some casual smart schools like penn state, temple, drexel</p>

<p>I am seriously ask for all these schools. I'm not applying to all. I just want to know. Should I aim high and "no-life" it to get high grades and scores? or take it pretty chill and just take the low-ride? Thank you for your time to read this. I am a nervous-type kid but I am super assertive to things I'm passionate about.</p>

<p>Your ECs are all over the place, and your test scores are certainly not good enough for the Ivies. Get 2100+ to have a chance at the Ivies but they are always reaches. </p>

<p>CMU, UNCCH, and U of M will be matches at 2100+, though UNCCH may be a high match or low reach. </p>

<p>You should be in at Penn State, Temple, and Drexel given your current stats.</p>

<p>If I get my scores into 2100+ range should I strive for those types of colleges?</p>

<p>Lol I know xD I forgot to add I did musicals and plays for 6 years. xD Although always a minor character.</p>

<p>You’d really need like a 2250 to be a competitive applicant for ivy league</p>

<p>Don’t be let down by your SAT teacher. I had a 170 PSAT score as well in Sophomore year as well but after doing prep I got 2220 on my first SAT in October Junior year.</p>

<p>Alright, thanks! I’ll strive for 2200-2300 range. Thanks ^_^</p>

<p>Check out Drexel. The programs there are underrated. With your credientials, you definitely get some financial aid for sure. do the five year co-op program. That program is amazing and you’ll have a first-class resume when you graduate if you take advantage of it. its five years though, because its required to have a job.</p>

<p>Stanford: High Reach
Yale: High Reach
Upenn: Reach
Cornell: High Reach
Columbia: High Reach</p>

<p>Carniege Melon: High Reach
UNC-chapel hill: Reach
Umich Ann Arbor: Low Reach</p>

<p>Penn state: Match
temple: High match
drexel: High Match</p>

<p>Good Luck with your test scores and such!
Chance me Back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1559607-chances-getting-into-bu.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1559607-chances-getting-into-bu.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I call bs on the extracurriculars. Ivy league admissions are a crap shoot. Do you have famous relatives?</p>

<p>In the MIDDLE junior year(midterms done). </p>


<p>Same as before but im 19/513 in rank ~ 104.136 Weighed GPA and 96.201 UnWeighed
Summer: French 1 over summer, PFEW, Some Business program at CMU</p>

<p>Official SCORES:</p>

<p>*SAT: 2140 (800 math, 700 writing, 640 reading)
*Taking again in March aiming for 2250 (800,750,700)
*Studing Hard</p>

<p>*Math subject test II: 750
*Taking World History, Math II again, and Biology SAT in June.</p>


-add 1 year to science fair
-add .5 year to cello, and auditioning for regionals (passed districts)
-Formed Math and Chess Clubs, and got into NHS
-add 80 volunteer hours (tutoring and youth group)</p>

<p>Accomplishments & Leadership!</p>

-JA company (VP of finance at my company)
-VP of Chess & Math club</p>

<p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
Chances at: Upenn, Cornell, Columbia, Villanova, Temple, Penn State Shreyres, and CMU</p>

<p>I am serious. Going into Business. Possible double major in finance & compsci</p>


<p>Haha thanks man! :D</p>


<p>I was accepted into Penn State and I had much lower test scores than you! You’re fine for PSU and probably Temple and Drexel. Not sure about Ivies.</p>