what are my chances...................

<p>Hey guys i was just wondering what everyone one thought about my chances getting into the following colleges were:
John Hopkins
He is my schedule for all four years of High sckool
9th grade:
Spanish 2,Accelerated physics, accelerated english 1, accelerated chemistry, accelerated algebra 2, debate 1, health, and band
10th grade:
spanish 3, AP chemistry, Accelerated english 2, AP world history, accelerated pre calculus, ap physics and band
11th grade: AP spanish, AP biology, AP american lit. and composition, ap calculus, ap environmental science, ap american history, and band
12th grade: ap music theory, ap english, anatomy and physiology, ap statistics, economics, ap government, ap human geography, psychology 1 and band
9th summer: personal computing 1, 10th summer: cardio fitness 1 and 2</p>

<p>i have a 4.0 and am involved in the following extra cirrics: art club, challenge group, creative freedome, debate team, drama club, DAPA, marching band, link crew, national honor society, oral interpretation, SALSA, spanish club, student council, pep band, state band (4 years), junior mathcounts coach, </p>

<p>volunterring: hospital (3 years) retierment home (5 years) washington pavillion (4 years)</p>

<p>a few questions/comments for u.
What is your ACT/SAT?
Is your 4.0 Weighted or Unweighted?
Are you "in" those clubs, or do you actually hold any leadership positions?
How many hours per week do you spend at each EC?
What is your class rank?
Why didn't you post in the WHAT ARE MY CHANCES? sub-forum?
(i will still help ya here tho)</p>

<p>Comments.. You are definitely taking the most difficult course load i have ever seen. how are you taking 8 classes in one year? i envy you, we can only take 6, or 7 if we come in for 0 hour (an extra course we can take)
What grade are you? If you're a freshman... you're going to die as a junior or senior because those books and papers in your backpack will crush you (along with the stress/pressure) and this is the voice of experience talking (as far as almost dying from stress lol)</p>

<p>more info needed</p>

<p>If you haven't completed that schedule and are speculating then your wasting your time on this board.</p>

<p>I'll say this much. It is a tough courseload, and that can be a hook. I took math and science at an advanced pace as well and I am EXTREMELY glad I did so stick with it. Don't worry about your senior courseload too much because it is entirely workable.</p>

ap music theory, ap english, anatomy and physiology, ap statistics, economics, ap government, ap human geography, psychology 1 and band


<p>music theory - I don't know about the difficulty</p>

<p>English - Should be mediocre in difficulty, but do-able because IB English is supposed to be a bit tougher and I suk at English but manage</p>

<p>anatomy and physiology - Just memorization really. If you have a good memory it isn't tough.</p>

<p>statistics - Not bad at all. My math course combines AP Stats and Calc BC together and we manage so you will be just fine.</p>

<p>economics, ap government - Joke.... I doubt you will need any effort in these 2</p>

<p>human geography - no idea</p>

<p>psychology - I heard AP psych was tough, but I have not taken it or any psych course.</p>

i have a 4.0 and am involved in the following extra cirrics: art club, challenge group, creative freedome, debate team, drama club, DAPA, marching band, link crew, national honor society, oral interpretation, SALSA, spanish club, student council, pep band, state band (4 years), junior mathcounts coach


<p>I'm gonna say having this much crap (I don't mean the EC's are crap, but the sheer number--I'm in art club lol) for EC's is VERY bad because it doesn't seem like you devote yourself to anything. It looks as if your doing this to look good, which is very bad. Once again, if your still a freshman I suggest picking a handful of EC's that you enjoy; if your a senior then you've already sent all your crap so why bother asking for your chances.</p>

<p>You seem like a smart person, and you should be able to deduce that you have as good a chance as any applicant statistically. It comes down to the person and whether or not your desireable--no university wants an anti-social bookworm that boosts his/her ego by doing everything for recognition.</p>


<p>My GPA i think is weighted but I'm not for certain and as for my EC's I spend 10 hours a week at art club, 5 at challenge club 3 for creative freedom, like 14 in school and out of school for debate/team debate, 15 for drama club 1 for link crew 10 for marching band 1(every other week) for pep band 5 for oral interp. 3 for SALSA 2 for spanish club and for the hospital volunteering i volunteer over 200 hours a year and for the retirement home i volunteer over 100 i am ranked first in my class i am 2nd in command for junior mathcounts and that is 2-3 hours a week depending on how late it runs because it's for middle schoolers also i am lead roles in a ton of plays for drama so do you think it would be better if i didn't put every single thing that i am involved on if it makes it look bad?............hope this helps.........</p>

<p>I congratulate you on being amazing then. There is no way in hell I could even manage half the EC's you do. Though my courseload is a smidge more difficult, your EC's blow mine away in terms of time devoted.</p>

<p>10 + 5 + 3 + 14 + 15 + .5 + 10 + 5 + 3 + 2 = 67.5 hrs</p>

<p>9.64 hrs a day?!?!?!!</p>

<p>so do you think i have a good chance at getting in then honestly? lol your course load is probably harder because i live in South Dakota and we have like NOTHING!!!!</p>