<p>Hey guys i was just wondering what everyone one thought about my chances getting into the following colleges were:
John Hopkins
He is my schedule for all four years of High sckool
9th grade:
Spanish 2,Accelerated physics, accelerated english 1, accelerated chemistry, accelerated algebra 2, debate 1, health, and band
10th grade:
spanish 3, AP chemistry, Accelerated english 2, AP world history, accelerated pre calculus, ap physics and band
11th grade: AP spanish, AP biology, AP american lit. and composition, ap calculus, ap environmental science, ap american history, and band
12th grade: ap music theory, ap english, anatomy and physiology, ap statistics, economics, ap government, ap human geography, psychology 1 and band
9th summer: personal computing 1, 10th summer: cardio fitness 1 and 2</p>
<p>i have a 4.0 and am involved in the following extra cirrics: art club, challenge group, creative freedome, debate team, drama club, DAPA, marching band, link crew, national honor society, oral interpretation, SALSA, spanish club, student council, pep band, state band (4 years), junior mathcounts coach, </p>
<p>volunterring: hospital (3 years) retierment home (5 years) washington pavillion (4 years)</p>