<p>I just wanted to know my chances at the following colleges: University of Florida, Emory, Duke, Tufts, Cornell, Dartmouth, Brown, Columbia, MIT, Georgetown, New York University, and also Harvard and Standford just to see (my hopes aren't set on them). I'm sorry it's such a long list.</p>
<p>8th Grade:
Algebra 1 Honors - B,B (it was for high school credit)</p>
<p>9th Grade:
Geometry Honors - A,A
English 1 Challenge(Pre-AP) - A,B
Biology Honors - B,B
AP World History - B,A
Spanish 1 - A,A
Intro to Drama (1/2 year), Stagecraft (1/2 year) - A,A
HOPE (gym) - A,A
Drivers Ed (1/2 year) - A</p>
<p>10th Grade:
Algebra 2 Honors - A,A
Pre-Calc - A,A
Englsih 2 Challenge - A,A
Chemistry Honors - A,A
AP Environmental Science - A,A
AP Psychology - A,A
Spanish 2 - A,A
SAT Prep (1/2 year) - A</p>
<p>11th Grade:
Spanish 3 - A,A
AP Calculus - A,A
AP English Language and Composition - A,A
AP American History - A,A
AP Biology - A,A
Anatomy and Physiology Honors - A,A
Spanish 4 - A,A</p>
<p>12th Grade:
AP Statistics - A,A
AP English Literature and Composition - A,A
AP US Government and AP Macroeconomics - A,A
AP Chemistry - A,A
AP Physics - A,A
AP Spanish Language - A,A
Sociology (1/2 year) - A</p>
<p>I had most vigorous course schedule all four years. </p>
<p>GPA: 3.9, 4.8
SAT: 780m, 730cr, 710w = 2220
ACT: 32
I'm in the top 10% of my class, but I'm not sure exactly where I fall.
My school is said to be ranked in the top 3% of schools in the nation.
Clubs: Drama Club (4 years), Key Club (3 years, president 2 years)
I don't play a sport, but I have over 500 hours of community service.
I'm going to be the first one in my family to attend college and I'm considered "economically disadvantaged".</p>
<p>Sorry that it's so lengthy but I really appreciate it.
Thank you.</p>