What are my chances?

Hey everyone. I am a CC student here in SoCal who are looking to transfer to upper-tier of UCs in coming fall. My major is in either mechanical engineering or aerospace engineering.

Here is my profile:

Born in San Diego, raised in Japan. No English skill until joining high school in US.

Have been employed since the beginning of frelshman year.

Have been on the baseball team for the intercollegiate team. Team went to the playoff in my freshman year.

Got in to SDSU for Accounting, but rejected for UCLA and UCSD for PS and Econ as freshman, respectively.

2nd year of CC is about to be done and I have GPA of 3.73 over 60 units.

I will be done with all of the IGETC by the end of this semester.

I have completed only few major requirements, but the list is down below:

Eng1: A
Eng2: A
Calc1: B
Calc2: B
Diff Eq: A

I will complete all of the other major requirements by the end of next spring.

How are my chances looking? Do admissions care if students are employed? Do admissions emphasize the completion of
IGETC and major requirements?