What are my chances?

I was wondering if any of you could chance me for Miami.
GPA: 3.64
ACT: 32
ECs are pretty good I think
Ethnicity: White
Thank you all very much!

@Averyw Two months ago, I would’ve said your chances were great, but I’ve just been rejected by UNC Chapel and UVA (OOS for both), and I had the following:

GPA (weighted) 4.25
11 APs
SAT 1560
ACT 35
ECs mainly focused on being varsity all four years for my sport
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male

I didn’t even get waitlisted/deferred. So, I’m of the opinion that my race and gender must not have been what they wanted, and it may not be for any top school. This has been a bummer weekend.

@SlimJim005 I’m sorry man. I hope you get some acceptances soon.

@SlimJim005 So sorry! What was your unweighted gpa? Did you have any other EC’s at all or just your varsity sport?

Most colleges work from your unweighted GPA and recalculate based on their formula. Weighted GPA really doesn’t mean anything to them because it varies from school to school. For instance, at our state university they give extra weight for AP classes and no weight for honors classes. If you have taken all honors and APs the honors classes are not reflected in your calculated GPA. Only the APs. I’m not saying that extra rigor doesn’t come in somewhere else but they don’t count it with your GPA. At most high schools honors classes get some extra weight in calculating GPA but not necessarily at college.

@nic00 My unweighted GPA was 3.7.

ECs included working at the number one cancer hospital in the US (as rated by US News & World Report) in Stem Cell (even though my interest is business/economics).

I know my GPA isn’t super great, but I explained in app that my Freshman & Sophomore year were consumed by father’s cancer treatment and being varsity at a 6A school that won State and was in the finals the other two years.

I also did not request any Financial Aid.

@SlimJim005 I’m surprised with those stats, but as you know UNC is ridiculously hard to get into from OOS. My son was denied as well. This is our first time through the college process, but unless there’s a hidden red flag on your transcript somewhere, idk how U Miami wouldn’t accept you.

@mamwitch Thanks. But I am losing faith.

@SlimJim005 with that SAT score?? ugh you deserved to get in - don’t worry, the right school is just around the corner I am sure. keep your chin up whats meant to be is meant to be