chances at UM- kind of freaking out

<p>i am a high school senior from Tennessee and i am beggining to freak out a bit about college. i am waiting to hear back from the University of Miami for EA and the more i research about it, i keep getting more and more interested in going there next year. </p>

<p>i got into Tulane and University of Georgia. like i said, i didnt get into UNC- Chapel Hill (not mad cause it was a reach and id idnt know if id even want to go there)... and i am waiting to hear back from the University of Miami and University of Florida.</p>

<p>The more i am looking into it im getting more and more interested in Miami, so now that ive been rejected from UNC, i am nervous of getting rejected from a school i am actually interested in- Miami. so what do you think my chances are... heres what i got:</p>

<li>ACT i have a 29, but i got a 35 on the english section so that might look impressive :/</li>
<li>i have an unweighted gpa of 4.0- ALL A's in high school... which is not an easy thing at my schoool...weighted gpa is something like a 5.0 or so.. like i said all A's</li>
<li>Class rank is 24/480 or so... so about top 6% of my class</li>
<li>2 AP classes junior year and 3 seniors year (cant take APs earlier than this at my school).. all my other classes are honors </li>

<p>i have a good amount of extracurriculars but nothing like president and nothing that looks really consistant. some examples:
- camp counsler for two summers
- treasurer of youth group for 6 months
- habitat for humanity club, girls service club,
-national honor society, national spanish honor society, facing history andn ourselves
-Assistant in Guidence Office at school
-Math tudor</p>

<li>some random other community service ..but like i said something very consistant</li>

<p>so basially i trust my grades... but my extracurricualrs are iffy and so are scores... im freaking..any ideas on my chances at Miami?</p>

<p>Pretty decent shot. What were your SAT scores? If you could one of your scores a little higher, you may get some $ with your GPA.</p>

<p>I would say that you are most likely in.</p>

<p>Hey I got into Tulane too. You’re definately in. If not you can get a full refund from skybax22.</p>

<p>my SAT scores werent very good… at all… so i only sent my act… im not a good test taker</p>