GPA: 3.7 (unweighted)
SAT: 2150
Private high school
Total of 8 AP classes taken, rest all honors level
NHS in grades 10, 11, 12
Varsity Soccer 9, 10, 11, 12
Drama 10, 11
Math Team 9, 10
Debate team, 12
Model UN, 12
Junior volunteer at local hospital 9, 10, 11, 12 (over 200 hours)
Islamic school 9, 10, 11, 12
Jobs at McD's and currently, Best Buy (20 hours a week)
Ethnic minority - Afghan (parents are refugees)
Parents never went to college
From Minnesota
Lower-middle class</p>
<p>I'm applying to USC, Carleton and UC (Berkeley, LA and SD), with the University of Minnesota as my backup.</p>
<p>I think USC and Carleton look good but the UCs are reaches. They do not take into account URM status and also give almost no financial aid to OOS students, so you probably want to add other schools.</p>
<p>I should mention, though, that I do plan on taking the Literature, Math II and Physics Subject Tests in December. </p>
<p>Also, my recommendations will be written by, one, my English teacher, whom I know very, very well (incidentally, her kids graduated from USC, so her recommendation may carry some weight); and two, my Physics teacher, who was used to be a professor at the University of Minnesota.</p>