What are my chances?

<p>Unweighted GPA for 9th-11th grade- 4.0
Weighted GPA- 4.35
Class rank- 3/530</p>

<p>ACT- 29
SAT Subject tests:
Biology: 700
Math II: 700</p>

<p>AP/Honors courses taken jr/sr year:
AP Bio
AP Chem
AP AB Calc
AP Language and Composition
AP Literature and Composition
AP Government
AP US History
Honors Pre-Calc
College Physics (counts as an honors class at my school, but the credit is from a community college so it won't transfer to any good schools) </p>

*Debate- 9th-12th grade (varsity)
*Orchestra- 7th-12th grade (varsity; section leader for both semesters in 9th grade)
*National Honor Society 11th-12th grade
*French National Honor Society 11th-12th grade (program chair)
*Presidential Volunteer Service Award- Silver
*Over 250 hours of community service
*City Youth Council (modeled after the city council) 11th-12th grade</p>

<p>What are my chances at:
*University of Southern California
*UC- Berkeley
*UC- San Diego
*Northwestern University (Chicago)
*University of Chicago
*University of Michigan
*Washington University of St Louis</p>

<p>Please note that I am out of state at all the above universities.</p>

<p>Do you have any hooks, like race, geographical location, legacy status, or first-gen college student?</p>

<p>Geographic location: Kansas
Race: Pakistani (although I was born in the US)</p>

<p>What's your SAT I score? </p>

<p>*University of Southern California: match
*UC- Berkeley: reach
*UC- San Diego: match
*UCLA: slight reach
*Northwestern University (Chicago): reach
*University of Chicago: reach
*University of Michigan: slight reach
*NYU: slight reach
*Washington University of St Louis: reach</p>

<p>Work on your ACT score, and your SAT score if you don't have that yet. Good luck! :)</p>