what are my chances?????

<p>hi i am a Junior who is going to be a senior in 2008
i want to know what are my chances of getting into UC san diego, LA, and Burkely, and i really want to go to UCSD. i haven't taken SAT reasoning yet.</p>

<p>my grades are following:
english regular B
history regular B
Pre- calculus B
Physics honor A
French 1/2 regular A</p>

english honor B
AP calculus A
AP Chemisty A
history regular A
French Honor 3/4 A</p>

chinese 800
physics 770
Math level II 790</p>

Physics B 5
chemisrty 5
calulus AB 5</p>

no reply
please i really need some helps
are my grades consider bad or.......?</p>

<p>can someone help me?</p>

<p>You've got an upward trend in your GPA fortunately. Get all A's next semester, ace your SATs, and with luck the adcoms will overlook that so-so sophomore year. You are a California resident I hope?</p>

<p>yes i 'm a california resident
and thnanks</p>

<p>Can't really tell much to you because you haven't posted GPA, test scores (i know you said you haven't taken SAT I yet), or Extracurriculars. You can't say much about where someone will go to college based purely on grades...</p>

because i'm not sure about how to calculate GPA
for example that honors classes count +1 or +0.5
and ap classes count +2 or+1?</p>

<p>Not enough info</p>

<p>Need to post ECs.</p>

<p>Yeah, chancing you is somewhat difficult. Your AP and SAT subject scores are great, however. But practice for the SAT Reasoning over the summer, as I think you will have difficulty with the English sections. Good luck.</p>

<p>You calculate UC GPA by: A=5, B=4, C=3, D/F=0. You can add extra points for up to 4 year-long classes (8 semesters).</p>

<p>Also, post your extracurriculars, honors/awards, and projected SAT I score. Did you take the most rigorous courseload possible? You say "English regular" and the like, as though there were an alternative (perhaps honors). Your rank would also be helpful.</p>

<p>Just by what you've given, I can tell you that Berkeley will be a reach; you have a 3.6 UW, and Berkeley's average UW GPA is a 3.9 (94% had above a 3.75 UW GPA).</p>

<p>i got an award from American Chemistry Society, the high score on the chemisrty olympiad
and i don't have EC</p>

<p>if you don't have ECs, you're not going to college</p>

<p>Haha UCs don't care about ECs actually. As long as you have a little bit like a sport and a few clubs or something, that is usually sufficient.</p>

<p>However, your GPA sucks for CAL/UCLA so you might not have good chances. Remember, UCs don't see your 1st semester senior grades. Also, only APs are given 5.0 scale when calculating weighted GPA.</p>

<p>Unless you are somehow ranked in your top 5% of your class I have to say CAL/UCLA are higher reaches and UCSD is a slighter reach.</p>

<p>^^ many of the UCs don't care much for ECs, though the Berkeley/UCLA do (ECs are listed as "important" in Berkeley's CDS).</p>

<p>Berkeley/UCLA: reach
UCSD: slight reach</p>

<p>is my chance to get into these school depend on my sat reasoning score now?
what do i have to get?</p>

<p>No, it's not going to be dependent on your SAT score. Unlike some other publics, the top UCs don't see that an SAT score can make up for a subpar GPA. It might tip the scales if you're on the edge, but it won't be able to sway them a large margin. In your case, I'd shoot for 2200+.</p>

<p>And by the way, it's "Berkeley," not "Burkely."</p>