What Are My Chances?

<p>I'm not sure this will be good enough, but:</p>

<p>asian male
currently a junior

<p>Unweighted GPA- 3.45
Weighted GPA- 3.84</p>

<p>ACT- just took the OCT 27th one, didn't get score back yet (shooting for a 30-32 though)</p>

<p>Sophmore year AP classes (All Honors classes this year)

<p>Junior year AP classes (All Honors classes this year)
-AP Government
-AP Calculus AB
-AP Government
-AP Language</p>

<p>Planning to take these AP classes in 12th grade
-AP Calculus BC
-AP Statistics
-AP Physics
-AP Economics
-AP Japanese</p>

-cross country team
-track team
-Japanese club
-marching band
-lots of volunteer work through Boy Scouts</p>

<p>-Eagle Scout</p>

<p>-work after school for 2 hours Mon-Fri and also in the summer at a Health Clinic (Michigan Institute for Neurological Disorders a.k.a. MIND)</p>

<p>It would be helpful if anyone could give me any feedback on where I stand</p>



<p>I think you stand a decent shot, but your GPA needs to improve. Getting a good ACT score is a must to make up for the lower GPA. I would emphasize the Eagle Scout and MIND thing come essay time if I were you. good luck!</p>