What are my chances?

<p>Ok, I'm an Indian from New Jersey applying Early Decision to engineering.
GPA (unweighted): 3.74
GPA (weighted): 5.31-school does not provide rank but I'm probably at the top 12 or 13th percentile; I'm in a very competitive graduating class.</p>

<p>SAT I:
Crit. Reading-730

<p>SAT II:
Math 2C-800
French-630 (ouch)</p>

US History-4
Will be taking 4 more exams this year.</p>

Quiz Bowl team--President
-Bridgewater-Raritan Invitational Tournament--managed to be a quarter-finalist once and top 16 of 68 twice.
French Honor Society--President
Social Studies Honor Society--Treasurer
Science National Honor Society--Webmaster
Junior Volunteer at hospital</p>

Boys State delegate in 2008
Placed 12th in State-wide French competition (the Grand Concours)
Most Valuable Member of Bowl team in 2007
Recognized Member of French Honor Society
1/1 Club for putting in more than 100 volunteer hours at the hospital.
Commended for National Merit Scholarship</p>


<p>(anyone out there?)</p>

<p>Above average chance of admission.</p>

<p>fortunately for you, they don’t look at writing, so your SATs are solid. In fact, all your engineering stuff, (math and science), is very impressive, and the rest is fine. Because Cornell is so fit oriented, you’ll benefit from this. decent chances.</p>