What are my chances?

<p>Hi! I am a high school senior who is applying to different colleges at this moment. I have been the U.S. for two years and considering my limitations in English language, I only have a SAT score of 1540. I have a 10 on my essay, but my reading score was very bad.
Anyway, I am 7th in my class with a g.p.a. of 4.20 on a scale of 5.0. I am taking 2 A.P. classes now. My first quarter report I have all A-;s.</p>

<p>City/ State— Lynn/MA</p>

<p>These are my extracurricular works–
• Peer Tutoring.
• Computer Club (Vice-president)
• Chess Club.
• Science Club
• Varsity Soccer
• International Shakyamuni Buddha Vihara and Vipassana center (Treasurer) (Religious)
• Asian-American Club.
• National Honor Society.
• Volunteer in My Brother’s Table, Lynn.
• Volunteer in Gloucester Cape Ann Food Pantry, Gloucester.</p>

<p>I took my TOEFL and got 91. So, I am wondering does my SAT score is going to hinder my possibilities of getting into Good schools like B.U.? I am applying to B.C., Tufts, Northeastern, Umass Boston, Mass College of Pharmacy, Brandeis University. What are my chances?</p>

<p>I actually do think that your SAT score will hurt you very much… even though you have a good GPA. D: </p>

<p>Work hard on your essays!</p>

<p>Do you think my TOEFL score will cover for my SAT scores? Should I take the SAT again in January? Please let me know.</p>

<p>I’m not sure that they will take your January scores. Call them and find out.</p>

<p>TOEFL and SAT are pretty different, so I don’t think it would help. Of course, it would never hurt you to have good scores. :p</p>

<p>Oh, man I am screwed. My counselor told me that B.U. will look at my Toefl score more than SAT since I have been in U.S. for two years. I didn’t even work hard for SAT. I am thinking if I should not apply to B.U. at all?</p>

<p>Well, you should just apply… you never know.</p>

<p>LOL, if they do weigh TOEFL more than SAT… I’d be really happy… but I highly doubt it though since I was actually born here. I’m taking it some time in January.</p>

<p>I don’t think they gonna count it as a plus for you since you were born here. I would say it’s just a waste of money. I remember one of my friends from last year he didn’t take TOEFL(because he was born here) but he didn’t have great sat scores either. He had only 1620. He got in though. So, I am gonna have to keep my fingers crossed. :(</p>

<p>SAT in kind of low…</p>