What Are My Chances?

<p>Bucknell, Rutgers, UDel, Brown, Lafayette, Boston College & BU, Duke, and Lehigh.
Or are they all extreme reaches? Please be honest.
I go to a private Catholic school with a very good reputation. At the beginning of the year I had about a 4.1 GPA, possibly a little lower. I haven't taken the SATS but on the PSAT's I took this year I got 650 (writing), 600 (verbal) 540 (math, I know =[ -I'm hoping to get this up by a 100 at least). I am hoping to raise all these scores a bit.
I have about 100 volunteer hours as of now but I'm hoping to have at least 300 by the end of summer. I have volunteered at the same Adult Day Care Center for three summers now.
So far I have been on the honor roll each semester since freshman year.
Rewards are given out for the student with the highest GPA in each
Freshman year: History, French 1 award, and general academic excellence
Sophmore year: Scripture, French 2, and general acedemic excellence
Unsure for junior year.
Unfortunately, no honors classes freshman year. Honors U.S. History sophmore year. Honors British Lit, World History, and French 3 junior year. Senior year taking AP English, (either AP Physchology which counts as a history, AP gov, or AP World - not sure yet), Honors Pre-Calc, Honors French 4, Honors Theatre Arts 2, (unsure of religions to take as of now), (unsure of what science to take).
Spring Track - 3 years
Cross country - 2 years
National Honor Society - 2 years. Vice President for Junior and Senior Year.
Italian Club - 4 years (on the Executive Board for three, will be president senior year)
Life Club - 4 years (many involved projects for charity)
FBLA - 4 years (without competing)
Environmental Club - 4 years
Drama Club - 3 years (involves an annual Coffee House Cabaret I perform in)
Part time job as a life guard at a park near my house (2 years, summer job)
Published several stories in my schools literary magazine
Art Club: 2 years
Not really sure if this one counts but (assist my father at his shipping business
answering phones, filing, etc. He is the president.)
I have a one very solid recommendation letter, as well as another from my guidance counselor, and am sure of several others.</p>

<p>If anyone can suggest extracurricular I could add to this list that would really dazzle the admissions officers, it would be greatly appreciated because I am aware I don't exactly have a "wow" factor for extracurricular. I love writing, so do you think an internship at a journalism company would help? Writing for the local newspaper? Thank you so much.</p>

<p>Your prospective 1890 SAT will make Brown and Duke flat out impossibilities. BC and Lehigh are also big reaches. I don’t know much about the LAC’s, so you’ll have to get someone else’s advice on those.</p>