What are my chances?

<p>I'm from California. I'm about to submit my application for Columbia GS, Northwestern SCS and UPenn LPS. Just a brief history: I did poorly when I first entered college (2.6 at a top 40 school), transferred and then failed out at another top 40 school with a 1.9.</p>

<p>4-5 years later I've taken these courses at a local community college: Managerial Accounting, US History, Sociology, Geography, Calculus 3, Biology lecture/lab, Psychology, Sociology, and Chemistry lecture/lab. I have around a 3.3-3.45 GPA. I have extensive work experience and internships and have a decent essay explaining my past and how I've matured in the workplace and at school.</p>

<p>I feel besides the 3 schools listed, I need more choices just in case I'm rejected. I plan on applying to UC Irvine, Davis, and Santa Barbara as well. Could someone just list a couple of other schools so I could get a feel for the tier range I should aim for.</p>

<p>Anyone have any opinions on this? Or at least how would you rate my courseload in difficulty while I have been in CC after those gap years.</p>

<p>well I know things are different for people that take time off and then go back to school… but I think the likelyhood of you getting in to any of those schools is very small. Even if not for your previous poor grades your current cc grades are not good enough.</p>

<p>Surprising. How competitive really is the Northwestern SCS admissions? Don’t they also admit people and put them on probation status? Also, that’s why I stated : “Could someone just list a couple of other schools so I could get a feel for the tier range I should aim for.” because I know the schools I listed I have a low to average shot of getting in.</p>

<p>in the area you seem to be looking at I would shoot for schools like fordham, ohio state, suny binghamton, uconn, purdue, illinois, Boston, penn state and there are more depending on what type of school your looking for.</p>

<p>Thanks for your input. How about schools like UNC, Univ of Washington, Wisconsin-Madison and univ of michigan?</p>

<p>Do I have a great chance at the CSU’s? (in particular Fullerton and Cal Poly SLO)</p>

<p>i really don’t think you can get in SLO with those grades right now. Your upward trend is good but your GPA still isn’t that great, especially for the other schools you were wanting to attend.</p>

<p>UCI and schools similar to their prestige are probably more feasible for you. You also probably have a decent shot at CSU Fullerton.</p>

<p>michigan and unc probably not… maybe wisconsin and wasington</p>