What are MY chances??

<p>First off,
What are some of the lowest people accepted in relation to their statistical standings?</p>

<p>I'm positive I want to do engineering and i've visited the college 3 times so far and been on 2 tours.</p>

<p>My GPA: 3.12
ACT: 24 (Will retake)
Rank: Top 48%
Extra Curricular's: Robotics, Debate, Hockey, Tennis<br>
IB/AP classes: AP Calculus, AP/IB Physics, IB english (4yrs), IB History (4yrs), AP/IB Chemistry.</p>

<p>I've written my essay already and it is defiantly in the top 10th percentile. The essay is very good.</p>

<p>I'm out of state, but i'm in Minnesota.</p>

<p>What are my chances?? Please reply as i'm freaking out here, I will be crushed if i don't get in.</p>


<p>Look at the chances chart on the UW admissions website- 10%. Is your essay definitely defiant? The author is usually the worst judge of a writing’s caliber. The number of visits to any school or desire to attend has nothing to do with the ability of a student to succeed unless the other factors also indicate such. All of your academic statistics are below the majority of accepted students- you have neither high grades nor high test scores, nor do you have a high class rank. The unfortunate case is that there is too much competition with students having better academic numbers for you to be optimistic about UW-Madison. You can apply of course, but you also need to fall in love with other schools.</p>

<p>I hate to break it to ya buddy, but your chances are NOT high at all…:/</p>

<p>The UW admissions website has removed the familiar freshman admissions chart that it used for many years. It has a much more general discussion of quantitative qualifications now.</p>

<p>An uphill battle, to be sure - your chances are not great… BUT, everyone should have a reach school and if UW is your first choice, apply. However, make sure you have other schools that you will be happy to attend that are in the match and “safety” categories. </p>

<p>The best thing you can do now to increase your chances would be to have a very strong fall semester - strong grades showing an upward trend AND re-take that ACT to see if you can get it up a few points. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Scuba, the bad news is that these posters are right - it’s going to be iffy at best. But the good news is there’s more than one way to skin a cat. Look at attending Eau Claire or La Crosse your first year or two with transfer to Madison.</p>

<p>Or look at other state schools like Iowa State for engineering. Or UMD, even.</p>

<p>And remember that at UW you’re admitted as a freshman AT LARGE into engineering and must apply for acceptance into your program of choice after 2-3 semesters. So if you think it’s competitive just getting in the door, wait for that fun undertaking.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies I really appreciate it.</p>