What do you think my chances are?

<p>Quick Stats:
Attended the number 2 college-prep school in Illinois. (Number 1 non-boarding)
I have a 3.4 GPA UW (Upward curve: 3.0; 3.5; 3.7 and 4.0 so far first semester senior year)
36 ACT, wonderful EC's (founder / president of environmental club + much more), and very strong essays.</p>

<p>I realize my GPA is low, but I take a difficult course load at a very prestigious school. (Multiple APs)</p>

<p>Do I have any chance to get in early?</p>


<p>you should get in, love that ACT score. Good luck</p>

<p>Yup, should be very good.</p>

<p>The grade improvement shows you matured since freshman year- from underachiever to a serious student. Hope your essays show you want to attend UW.</p>

<p>Good chances. Good luck and keep us posted.</p>

<p>I just got my decision last night.</p>

<p>I got DENIED.</p>

<p>Really upset and confused right now, because a couple of my friends from my school got in with similar class schedule and GPA but ACTs around 29-30. I’m going to talk to my HS Councillor to try to find out more information.</p>

<p>I’m planning on appealing the decision, but I’m not sure how that process works or if it will help.</p>

<p>Anyone got any ideas?</p>

<p>First, I hope this works out for you.</p>

<p>I attended a couple of info sessions in N. IL for “highly selective” universities. UW-Madison wasn’t there, but Michigan, Notre Dame, Vanderbilt, and a couple of others each had admissions reps in a panel discussion format, and the question about appeals came up.</p>

<p>Of all the schools, they said there had been thousands of appeals over the year, and in total across all schools, they said there were only 2 times where a denial was changed, and in both cases, it was because clerical errors were reversed. In one case, it was something like a 32 ACT was entered as a 23 or something similar. </p>

<p>With more material being transmitted electronically, it seems less likely a clerical error could occur.</p>

<p>I really hope things work out, I don’t want to sound negative, just wanted to share the little bit of info that I’d heard regarding the appeals process for admission.</p>

<p>Be proud of that 36 and a 3.4 isn’t that low.</p>

<p>Sorry to hear that. You should get into some other good schools.</p>

<p>Denied?! That doesn’t make sence, I think you should appeal that( if they do that) because a perfect ACT score should make up for the GPA.</p>

<p>I would definitely appeal the decision. It does not make sense that students from your high school with similiar GPA’s and lower ACT scores got in and you did not.However, that being said, universities usually do not look kindly upon a high ACT score with a lower GPA . I think they think it shows a lack of effort on the part of the student. But since you attend a competitive high school, that should make up for that. Definitely talk with your counselor at school. Let us know what happens.</p>