What are my chances?

<p>I'm a junior, but am already stressing about getting in. I want to get into the Journalism program and I have heard how hard it is to get in.
I'm a white female from IL.
Neither of my parents went to Wisconsin.
I took one honors history class freshmen year and none sophomore year. This year, I'm in AP English and AP US History. Next year, I'll be taking Honors Writing Seminar and probably 2 other AP courses.
My cumulative GPA is a 4.3 (which is I think a 3.3 on an normal scale.. or a 2.3? my school has a weird scale.) I get mostly A's and B's.
I am a writer and have a ChicagoNow blog, "Ask Mel". I'm the only high schooler on the site, which is a part of the Chicago Tribune. I used to write for my local paper. Currently, I'm on the Mash staff, which is the Tribune's student paper. I am the advice columnist as well as a reporter.
Recently, I had a weeklong internship at the Chicago Tribune.
I'm planning on interning there for the summer, too.
As for sports, I don't play any.
I am a writer for my school's newspaper. Next year, I will be either an editor or columnist.
I'm REALLY involved in church. I am on the leadership team and am there 3 times a week or so.
I also help out with my church's middle school ministry. I've been on 3 retreats with them already as a counselor.
Over the summer, I went on a mission trip to San Francisco. And next summer, I'll go on another one to the Dominican Republic.
I'm in my school's Christian club and will hopefully have a leadership position next year.
I'm on Peer Leadership, which is my school's program that helps incoming freshmen.
I have also been volunteering at my local hospital once a week for 3 years.
I play guitar. I play in my church's Praise and Worship band.
In short, I'm an aspiring writer for the Tribune or New York Times. That's all I want to do. Write.</p>

<p>So what are my chances of getting in??? It's my dream.</p>

<p>There is no way to chance you without knowing your unweighted GPA (Don’t take wild guesses! Ask your counselor!) and your ACT or SAT scores. If you GPA is 2.3 unweighted, then you might not have a good chance, but that guess makes no sense with all As and Bs. Your extracurricular activities are fantastic and will help, but the world is also stuck on the numbers too.</p>