
<p>Well I pretty much had everything for college planned out, and then some not so good stuff happened my soph. year and changed everything...mainly my gpa. Anyways, I was wondering what my chances are for getting into UW. My basic stats are:</p>

<p>Female, Mexican American
Resident of VA
GPA: 3.45 (unweighted) 3.6 (weighted)
7 IB's, 1 AP </p>

<p>*I only took three years of a foreign language, my senior year I took AP journalism (AP English) instead of Spanish well as IB English, photojournalism and IB Film....just in case that effects my chances.. </p>

<p>SAT I: 2040</p>


<p>-Freshman Field Hockey (capt.)
-JV Lacrosse
-Video Production Club
-Model U.N.
-Key Club
-The Filament (literary arts magazine)
-The Antenna Yearbook- photographer, copy writer, ad editor, copy editor, good chance of getting editor-in-chief next year..
-Quill & Scroll International Honor Society for HS journalists
-Young Democrats Association </p>

<p>Other stuff:
-Attended Institute for the Arts
-100+ hours of community service at hospitals, local food shelters, some stuff with my church, etc.
-Took variety of out of school advanced photography courses
-My junior year I got an internship at a production company
*I have held a job for two years </p>

<p>Yeah, in case you hadn't noticed, i'm pretty into writing and film and i heard that UW has a decent journalism program, among other things :)</p>

<p>thanks everyone!</p>

<p>Your chances are pretty good.. you should get in.. especially if you explain what happened your sophomore year to cause the drop in your GPA in your additional essay</p>

<p>do they really want to hear that stuff though?</p>

<p>Do not write excessively about it, but do give an explanation- have your guidance counselor back you up in their letter; I'm sure they must be aware of what happened. An upward trend senior year will help as well. Good luck.</p>

<p>yeah my grades have been improving and i'm loading up on IB classes my senior year..I plan on getting straight a's </p>


<p>kick butt on the essays and you should be ok</p>

<p>i'll make sure to do that, thanks for the advice! :)</p>

<p>UW is very welcoming to Mexican minority students. In. Get you grads up and you might get a nice aid package too. Apply for Chancellor's program.</p>