What are my chances??

<p>Middle income, both parents
Ethnicity: Asian</p>

<p>SAT I (Old): 1510 760M, 750V
SAT IIs yet to be taken</p>

US History 5
World History 5</p>

<p>GPA weighted (4.78)
Unweighted (3.98)
Class rank: 6 out of about 450 (above average high school in Lexington, Kentucky)</p>

Mu Alpha Theta- 10, 11, 12
Speech Team- 9
Academic Team- 11
French Honor Society- 10, 11
Orchestra- 9, 10, 11, 12
Math Honors- 12
Chess Club- 9, 10, 11
ASIA Club-12
Science Honors-12</p>

Treasurer- Symphonic Orchestra
Vice President- Mu Alpha Theta</p>

Advanced Geometry Award
Advanced Algebra II Award
Advanced Precalculus Award
Mason and Hanger College Incentive Fund
Optimist Respect for Law Award
Academic Team-Governor’s Cup (social studies) 5th place district
5th place regional
State Top 20
4 distinguished solos- Kentucky Music Education Association
Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship</p>

<p>AP Courses:
AP World History-10
AP US History-11
AP Statistics-12
AP Calculus AB-12
AP Chemistry-12
AP English Language-11
AP English Literature-12
AP Physics-11
AP Biology-11</p>

Tutor for Mu Alpha Theta (2 years) and Math Honors (1 year)
Assistant Concertmaster of Symphonic Orchestra (2 years)
Violin private lessons (10 years)- also performed several times a year for different groups
Central Kentucky Youth Orchestra (5 years)</p>

<p>Based on your academics, ECs, scores, ethnicity, and that you come from an underrepresented state (Kentucky has only one first-year student at Pomona), you should have a very good chance of getting accepted.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I would agree that you have good chances of getting in but what you really need to focus on is your essays and the interview. Those are key because 40 percent of people here are valedictorians.
good luck</p>

<p>essays, essays, essays, and recommendations! everybody that applies here already has great "stats" but the admissions ppl are looking for ppl whose personalities really shine through. i wrote my essay about fried chicken...just be creative and be yourself!</p>


<p>How many awards do you have other than "best student" in _____?"</p>

<p>get started on those SAT IIs, buddy. you need to score above 730 on all of them to be safe.</p>

<p>Yeah, sort of.
To be safe yeah, but if you don't get them, don't freak. I got a couple scores below that. 670 on writing. Just make sure to make up for what you lack, if necessary</p>

<p>well aleph4 is just really good looking. to be safe (esp since you're asian like me, and we're the unwanted minority), look to score above 700.</p>

<p>Hahaa, well of course, do as well as you can. Do send in the optional picture though. Haha jk.</p>

<p>Hey look! PsykkSpy4rmChina has made 47 posts</p>

<p>ooooh, that's cool. wait a minute...</p>

<p>I kind of get it...........it's like the old "Heinz" jokes around campus..........hehe, but I don't see how it relates to his post</p>

<p>well... they're more than just jokes. the whole 47 thing is a phenomenon at pomona, though i've never heard it associated with heinz before. so whenever we sagehens randomly see the number 47 (which happens all the time to me, eerily) we tend to point it out. so yeah, it has nothing to do with this post, but everything to do with pomona.</p>

<p>The freeway exit to get to Pomona from Highway 10 is exit number 47
Today I was reading a paper that was 47 pages long.
The list goes on and on when you look for it</p>

<p>Well I hope an 800 will boast my chances. And sr6622, what did you mean when you said “How many awards do you have other than "best student" in _____?"</p>

<p>I mean other than departamental school awards......</p>

<p>Woah goldfish, are you looking at Pomona too? lol weird.....</p>

<p>BTW, Heinz is "57" not 47 ...........</p>

<p>yeah........but they still sell Heinz shirts at Pomona as a joke. I guess they must have changed it on the shirts or something.</p>

<p>”Woah goldfish, are you looking at Pomona too? lol weird.....“</p>

<p>Only as an extreme safety. How about you?</p>