What are my match schools? [$20-30k limit with merit, STEM major from LA, NMF 4.0 GPA]

White, female, upper-middle class
US Citizen
*State/Location of residency: Louisiana

  • Type of high school: Magnet school (somewhat competitive public school)
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity: white female
  • Other special factors: I play the piano pretty well but not conservatory level. That’s really all I have. Kinda boring :confused:

Intended Major(s)
Not 100% sure but definitely STEM (with 1 exception): either Bio (premed), Bio (research), something with pre-law, biomedical engineering, or astrophysics/astronomy. Minor in music. If the school accepts all my AP credits and I pass all my exams, a double major in music and something else may be feasible in 4 years. Otherwise, I’ll just do a music minor.

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores:

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 4.0
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): 4.91. General credits are 4.0, enriched and higher 5.0. Only 4.0 credits I’ve taken are PE (required) and my middle school math and foreign language credits counted as general
  • Class Rank: 3rd out of 200something
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 35 ACT, 1500 PSAT (woo national merit)


AP Human geography freshman year (5), AP World History sophomore year (5), and currently in AP Calc BC, AP French, AP Biology, APUSH, and AP Lang. Can’t predict for sure but I’m expecting a 5 or at least 4 on AP Lang and AP Biology, a 4 or 5 on AP Calc and APUSH, and really just trying to pass the French exam but hoping for a 4. Next year I will definitely (unless there are scheduling issues) take AP Gov, AP Physics C mechanics, AP Music theory, and AP Lit. Possibly AP stats, but I haven’t decided. Currently trying to see if I can take calc II through a local community college instead. I will apply to a program where I go to the local branch of a college and do research in the med center for the last 2 hours of my day. Reached French IV this year and I will not take French V next year.

Bronze national french exam medal freshman year, silver sophomore year. 2nd place in the Louisiana Music Teachers Association Regional piano rally in 2021 (freshman). Qualified for the state competition but it did not happen because of Covid. Got too nervous last year and had a memory lapse, but I should place and qualify for state again this year :crossed_fingers: . 2nd place in a local poetry contest and 1st place in a local music composition competition.
(Include leadership, summer activities, competitions, volunteering, and work experience)
All years of high school: Piano and mock trial. My mock trial team sophomore year got to the regional (region of the state) semifinals. Based on the other teams this year and comparing my team this year to last year, my team this year should go to state (top 2 go). The piano accomplishments were mostly listed above. I have played in a few school and Church things. I’ve written a few pieces, but unfortunately I haven’t had the time to write a lot. Recently joined my Church’s sanctuary choir. I worked at a day camp in the summer for elementary schoolers during the summers after my freshman and sophomore years. Currently, I teach 3 piano students (30 mins each lesson, 1 lesson each week per student) ages 4, 7, and 7. In Tri-M music honors society all 3 years and will be next year, currently social media manager. In NHS, currently social media manager but there is hardly anything to post so I’m really just a generic officer that occasionally has something to post on Instagram. I will run for president next year, but I’m not sure if I will win. I am also a class representative in the student council.
I’m a good writer when I try, but I don’t know what I will write about yet. Not 100% sure about LORs, but my APUSH teacher is also the mock trial sponsor so she could probably write me a good one. And my piano teacher maybe
Cost Constraints / Budget
Chasing merit. But if you want to say one that’s a match that doesn’t offer merit just to give me an idea of where I stand, that’s fine. Just let me know that they don’t give merit. Can afford to pay around 20-30k each year including room/board etc, but paying less than that or getting a full ride/full tuition scholarship would be amazing.

Ok so I’m making this thread because I’m not sure what are truly examples of matches/safeties/reaches for me. But according to collegevine, this is what I have and my thoughts.

LSU (guaranteed affordable and will be in honors college) – I agree it’s a safety
Arkansas (guaranteed affordable, probably honors college) – I agree it’s a safety
Arizona State
CU Boulder?? not so sure about this one.
University of Vermont–agree it’s a safety for getting in, but could I get $$?
No clue about the honors colleges of the last 3

Scripps College–hesitantly agree?
University of Richmond–agree
Case Western (doubt this is a target–probably a reach, right?)
UNC-Chapel Hill-- same as above since I’m oos
UVA–same as UNC
WashU–this seems the craziest to me to be with the targets. Should be in the reaches, right??

Claremont McKenna
Vanderbilt (current #1 but also one of the only ones I’ve visited. I know a girl who got a full ride, but she’s smarter than me with better extracurriculars. May as well try though)

Thank you to anyone who responds!! Again, I’m mainly trying to figure out what really are targets, reaches, and safeties. My stats are good, but my extracurriculars are meh and I don’t really have any “hooks”. I saw this type of thing described once as “average excellent,” and I think that fits. I’m a pretty typical smart kid. Still smart, but not a prodigy or working to cure cancer or end world hunger. Just a normal smart kid. But hopefully being from Louisiana will get me some points at the schools that aren’t in the south. Anyway, thanks!

Your budget is going to be your limiting factor. It’s hard to get down to $20 to $30k based on merit aid. Will you qualify for need based aid? If not, you are going to need to redo this list. This isn’t a list for a full pay student who is chasing merit. To get merit, you need to pick schools where you will be one of the top students stats wise. So look for schools where your stats put you in the top 75% of students and then you will have a chance at substantial merit.

A safety isn’t a safety if it isn’t affordable. UVM, for example, is expensive for a state school and while they may give you some merit, they won’t get you to your budget. I’d take it off the list.

Many of your targets and reaches are also expensive. If you don’t qualify for need based aid, they will all be unaffordable.


Congratulations on your achievements.

It’s great you have identified two safeties that will be affordable, would you be happy to attend either of these schools?

I agree that your budget will be limiting. Please run the Net price calculators at each of your schools…and let us know the results. NPCs may not be accurate if your parents are divorced, own real estate in addition to a primary home, or own a business…are any of these the case for you?

UC Boulder won’t get close to your price. UVM is a match and is unlikely to get to your price.

Scripps, UNC, UVA, and WashU are reaches because of low admit rates, and if you don’t qualify for need based aid, their merit awards are very competitive as well.

Case and Richmond are targets, but you will need to earn a top scholarship at Richmond to be affordable…which makes it a reach. CWRU might max out around $30K in merit, so if you don’t also qualify for need based aid, that likely won’t work.

I would look at schools that give big $ to NMFs, like Alabama, UT Dallas, ASU, Fordham, U Tulsa, U Kentucky, U New Mexico. You might also consider Tulane and their scholarships for LA residents, but that is another reach.

Once you answer the questions in the last two posts, we can help more.


You need to run NPCs. Some schools meet need. Some don’t offer merit.

Alabama, UAH, Ms State, maybe Mizzou, Truman State, iowa state, u of Arizona (as opposed to ASU and it’s strong in astronomy), SUNY Geneseo, maybe Miami of Ohio, maybe U of SC, maybe URI, maybe College of Charleston, Worth an app to W&L, Southern Methodist as they have full rides. Unc and UVA too but theirs are hard to get. Also Hendrix, Kalamazoo, Depauw, and Ogelthorpe are LAC possibilities.

No to CU Boulder, UVM, and all of your targets. Vandy has full tuition scholarships but near impossible.

But the calculus changes if you have need. My list is based on only merit needing to get you there.

Edit - for admission purposes alone your safeties are safeties. And your last four targets are reaches. One only needs to see the students with more similar profiles getting rejected by similar type schools to know they are never matches.


A match school would be either:

  • A school where the merit scholarship that brings price down to $20-30k (not just admission) is a match in chancing terms.
  • A school that is affordable at list price or with need-based financial aid (check the net price calculator) and where admission is a match in chancing terms.
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I have not but I need to. My dad said we just won’t qualify but I’m not sure. I have divorced and remarried parents. I have two sisters, a half brother, and two step siblings ages 15, 12, 1, 12, and 10. Unfortunately none in college. Dad makes in the upper 200s or lower 300s I think but lll have to ask again. Same with my stepdad. Stepmom doesn’t work and my mom works part time as a private school teacher. No clue how much she makes, but definitely not much compared to my dad and stepdad. Guessing 30k. The main problems that seem to be there is that people consider siblings in college, but not all siblings. My family expects all my siblings to go to college. I have 40k in a college fund (total) and and my parents can help contribute. My mom doesn’t contribute to my college fund but I think she will help with the out of pocket some. She doesn’t make much and thinks my stepdad shouldnt have to help since he’s not my dad. We do not own two homes. My stepdad is kind of self employed I think? Yes a medical sales rep but he always complains during tax season because his are really confusing. As for being happy at the safeties, I think so. I need to your LSU. I do not like the party culture there and it was originally not on my list. But, I do enjoy the school spirit/football (geaux tigers) and I talked to a lady that told me I would almost definitely get into the honors college. They have pretty strong science and music programs considering they’re not a particularly highly ranked state school. Love the food and will miss not having Mardi Gras if I leave so there’s that. Not a major factor, but a little bonus to LSU. I don’t like the amount of partying and how big it is. I don’t want a tiny school with absolutely no fun, but lsu is a lot. But I think I could find my crowd and make it a good place for me. I liked Arkansas but it felt big. It’s still smaller than lsu. Lots of louisiana students go there because of a tuition thing they do with us. I’ve seen pics of their sorority rush and it’s safe to say I will not be doing that lol. But I really like the mountains and the surrounding area. Ideally I’d go somewhere smaller and less SEC party, but I could find people I like at these schools and be happy.

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Yeah, some schools not offering merit have knocked a lot of really cool ones off my list. Oh well. I had heard about university of arizona with their astronomy program. I think I had added it to my list somewhere else but not yet on collegevine when I was going through. But yeah national merit would help a lot with that one in particular. I’ve been meaning to look into college of Charleston too. No to alabama. Ideally I’d like to get a little farther north than here, both for physical climate and people climate, but I can get over the hot summers and it’s a college so I’ll find like minded people anywhere. My mom said UT dallas is a “suitcase school.” Is that true? I’ll look into the others!


LSU and Arkansas look like good safeties both in terms of admission and cost. Not sure UVM will be affordable even with merit so you may want to think twice about that. I think your targets are really a mix of reaches/low reaches but the bigger issue is affordability - I don’t know if any of these schools offer enough merit to get you to your budget number. Given the finances you outlined, it looks like the chances of getting need-based financial aid is low so you will need to target schools that offer very generous merit. Some folks on here may be able to help you with that.


Ok. I’ve heard that about UVM from several people now so I’ll just take that off.

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Ok so I asked my mom and she said to wait a few weeks until our taxes come back. My stepdad got paid less this year than last year.

The additional information is helpful. It does not look like you will qualify for need-aid so you need to re-evaluate your list based on meeting your budget with merit (or in-state COA). Any full-pay family who has chased merit will tell you that compromises may need to be made with regard to any preference other than cost. An additional consideration is your possible interest in med school; if that happens you are looking at 8 years of cost rather than 4.

Although they are not your top choices, you do have good safeties in LSU and Arkansas, and I’m certain you could find your people there if that is where you end up. So since you’ve done the hard part (finding safeties), you can shoot for the moon with competitive merit at schools you think you would like better… Vandy, Duke, WashU, SMU, URich, W&L, etc. I suggest also adding in a few auto-merit schools as mentioned above… ASU, Bama, UNM, Miami Ohio, etc. and schools known for big merit tuition discounts… Trinity (TX), Creighton, Rhodes, Furman, CofC, UofSC, etc. They won’t all get you under $30k, but they are worth a try.

You have time so start researching the schools suggested in the thread and run the NPCs. Remember NPCs should be on the income two years before your freshman year. You’ve got this and good for you for starting the legwork now!


Thanks! I figured I’d leave my reaches that I know do offer merit and just apply with no real hopes of getting the scholarships. I’ve known that for a while. Didn’t know so many of the targets were actually hard reaches; I thought they’d be more hard targets or easier reaches. So would the income be from 2022? I’ll look into those, thanks!

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In the case of divorce I think most schools count both parents income – so as long as your Dad is making high $200s/low $300s (as you indicated) you most likely won’t qualify for need-based aid regardless of what your step dad is making. There are a few schools that only count the custodial parents income - you may consider those (someone else will need to point you to those).


“On the 2023–24 FAFSA form, you (and your parents, if you are a dependent student) will report your 2021 income .” FAFSA - 7 Things to Know

So for the 2024-2025 year, it will be 2022 income as you said.

As far as your classifications of targets and reaches, the budget is part of what is pushing those to the reach category. For example, I’d consider URich a high match based only on acceptance rate, but since you would need highly competitive merit to make it affordable it is a reach.

Something else to consider is just how competitive the merit scholarships may be. I will use URich again as my example. You need the full tuition Richmond Scholars merit to meet your budget. That is awarded to 25 students out of a class of about 850, or under 3% of the entering class. Compare that to the W&L Johnson Scholarship (full ride) which is offered to 10% of the incoming class of approx 470.

I hope that helps. Keep asking questions! :grinning:


As far as UT-Dallas being a suitcase school, it does have a reputation locally for many students commuting from off-campus. The school has increased student housing and is seems to be trying to move toward a more residential atmosphere, but based on comments from alums I know, it’s fair to say that there isn’t a ton of school spirit. The STEM programs are excellent though, and they have strong merit aid for high stats.

I second the suggestions of U Arizona and U New Mexico above. Both would be safeties and offer automatic merit awards for high stats students that would get into your budget range. We’ve been on both campuses and like both, though they are different. AZ is more of a big sports atmosphere with a well-resourced Honors program, while NM is less sportsy and feels even more diverse.

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I haven’t looked into UNM. I will do that. On a side note, I went skiing in Santa Fe once and loved both skiing (even though I’ve done it once) and the climate and landscape of the area so New Mexico would be a cool place to be

Ok. I’m not looking at Washington and Lee because it’s just too small. Small schools are okay if they’re in a big city, but W&L is not. Thanks though! I actually know someone that got their full ride. I didn’t know URich had such a low number getting their scholarship. Do any of the ones on my list have a lot of people getting their scholarships?

I can’t figure out how to edit my original post, but I want to add U of Arizona to the list of safeties.

I understand! I was using it as an example of digging in to the details when deciding where to put your time and effort towards competitive merit. Those scholarships require extra essays and interviews while juggling senior year classes. So keeping those odds in mind is important.

@elise123 Edit: So to summarize,

  • need merit to reach a budget of $30k max
  • prefer mid-size schools but small/urban is ok (can compromise on larger size if not “big SEC party” schools)
  • would like to avoid the south and stereotypical SEC type schools (but will compromise in this area)
  • STEM, possible pre-med or pre-law

If you’re NMF and want to go to med school look at Bama and the MCCullough Medical scholars.

Don’t knock a school until you see it and what if offers - in this case both financially and a pre med focus. At any big school you’ll find your people and NMF gets you huge $$.

Tulsa is another. UMaine, Fordham and more.

UAH based on pure merit may be a mid size you’d like.

When going for $$, you have to make trade offs.

2nd link is a bit old but check any schools of interest. And there’s a 3rd more recent link.
