What are my odds?

<p>Im a junior at my high school currently and I plan on applying to Kenyon and really hope to get accepted there. I have a 4.050 GPA (unweighted) and am either 5th or 6th in my class which puts me in the top 5%. I attend a public school in a more rural town in Ohio but its probably the most academically respectable public school in the area. I took the ACT during the summer of my sophomore year (a waste of time really) and got a 28. I plan on doing a lot better on my second try in a few months. </p>

<p>For extracirriculars, I'll have done 3 years of student government, 3 years of Key Club, 3 years of Spanish Club, 4 years of band (I was also 1st chair in my section), 2 years of soccer, 1 year of tennis, 2 years of speech and debate, 3 years of drama club, and National Honors Society. I volunteer at my church and am going to volunteer at a local hospital over the summer.</p>

<p>Coursewise, I took the most advanced classes offered. A few were even through a program of Kenyon's. I also took some challenging college classes at a nearby college. My father is good friends with a graduate of Kenyon, but I don't know if that helps at all. So, what are my chances of getting accepted in Kenyon?</p>

<p>How is it that you have a 4.05 GPA if it is not weighted? Does your school have a grading scale that goes above 4.0 normally?</p>

<p>Yes. An A+ is worth 4.33 points, and A is 4.0, and an A- is 3.67.</p>

<p>Your chances are good. You should focus on improving your ACT to above 31 or trying to score above a 2100 on the SAT. Do that and keep getting As and it’s likely that you’ll be offered a scholarship.</p>