What are my probable chances at admission & scholarships at TAMU?

I am ranked 70 out of 879 in my class (top 7.9%)
4.0 GPA; 4.6 weighted
Multiple AP/Pre-AP classes taken
1470 SAT & am taking again in August and hoping to slightly improve
Multiple extra-curriculars
In state

I would be applying next year. Thank you so much!!

That question seems very hard to answer. On one hand my stats were WAY lower then yours and I ended finding about 35k (over 4 years) from financial aid, my local Aggie Club, Aggie Moms, etc along with some departmental scholarships(that I received this summer) . But the kid ranked 3rd in my class that was enrolled in the same clubs, same major, had higher test scores, both male URM(if your thinking about the foundation of excellence award) and just as much drive as me only got a bit less then 20k (over 4 years). And we both searched for scholarships together.

So I really think no one could answer this question really well. But if you really want scholarships I recommend looking for your local Aggie Clubs and mom clubs and seeing if they could help you out. If you meet them now, when they are reviewing your scholarship App (around February / march) They will remember you well. I recommend visiting during Muster or some Aggie event… Your general Scholarship Application will help A&M find you aid, but you need to be proactive and find your awards yourself for the best results.

Stats during the Scholarship Search

When did you apply: 8/10
When did you receive your admission decision: 11/27 (Engineering)
When did you receive your admission decision: 12/03 (University)
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Review Admit
Major/College of Choice: Dwight Look COE MEEN
Did you get in: 11/27 for COE and 12/3rd to the University
Honors program: yes
Class Rank: Top 25.5%
ACT: 30
SAT: 1280 new SAT

@lessonwitch2 Congratulations!! Your stats are great and you were awarded some awesome scholarships. If you don’t mind me asking, were they merit based scholarships? Also, where did you find local Aggie Clubs & Mom clubs? Thanks in advance!

@trish02 http://www.aggienetwork.com/clubs/findmyclub.aspx

At this link you need to find your closest Aggie Club . They will tell you how many scholarship opportunities are available in your area . Most of mine where merit and financially based . But I don’t think it mattered much since hardly any freshman were applying at my club.

And also I covered the rest of the Cost of attendance by applying to over 100 local scholarships. I recommend you try the same for the best financial situation for yourself!

@lessonwitch2 Thanks! This is a great resource.

Best wishes for a great year!! :slight_smile:

Just to let you know, our experience with A&M is that if you want scholarships you have to have nerves of steel and hang in there until the last minute because you won’t hear about scholarships until wayyyy late in the game.

D was an admitted to engineering in December I think. ACT 34, #10 rank (out of 675). I don’t think she declined her admission until late February and she had ZERO scholarship offers from Texas A&M at that time. Zero.

I think applying to Honors is key for the few scholarships that do exist at A&M and UT. D did not apply to Honors.

All of her other schools (Alabama, Clemson, Purdue, Pitt and Northeastern) had already been very clear with their offers.

I’m impressed with the scholarship list above. D had not yet applied for any of those Aggie club scholarships yet.