Chances for A&M?

Hi everyone :slight_smile: Thanks for taking the time to look at this thread! Please chance me if you can. I’ve gotten into a few colleges already, but I haven’t sent in my application for A&M yet and I was wondering if I could get in.

Intended Major: Psychology

GPA: 3.45/4 UW (definitely has a strong positive upward trend in my transcript)

Rank: 300/599, 50.08%

This is definitely my worst asset. I transferred in my sophomore year from a small, private, non-ranking school in New York (graduating class of about 60) to a highly competitive, large, public school in Texas (graduating class of about 600). My school’s policy for calculating transfers’ GPAs is by putting them out of 5, instead of 6 as they do for non-transfers. So, even if I had a 6/6 while transferring in, it would be a 5/6 after transferring in. Since my old school didn’t offer honors/AP classes for freshmen, my incoming GPA at best would’ve been a 4/6. This hurt my rank a lot, but I’ve climbed up about 100 ranks since I’ve joined.

AP Classes:

Language & Composition
U.S. History
Human Geography
Physics I

ACT: 32 SAT: 1420 (not sending)


Piano (4 years)
National Honor Society (2 years)
Red Cross (2 years)
Earth Club (2 years)
Newspaper (1 year)
Tennis (1 year)
Habitat for Humanity (1 year)
Interact (1 year)
Gaelic Society (1 year)
Mandarin (1 year)

Community & Volunteer Service: Volunteered 400+ hours total with ~200 hours at the largest medical center in the world

Awards & Honors:

AP Scholar
Academic Excellence
National Merit Commended

If you want to go to TAMU, is is worth the appliction. Your test score are above the 75% percentile. As you know the the only real issue with your profile is your rank. If you could somehow get your GC to explain what you described that would be helpful.

I’d say you have an extremely good chance. Aside from your rank, everything is well in line. Also as @Eeyore123 said, your scores are well beyond the required range. National Merit is also a huge boost at A&M even if it’s just commended.

@Eeyore123 @Evon1254 thank you guys so much! I saw some scary stuff about blinn-team and rejection on other posts’ with people whose ranks were way better than mine, so I was kinda put down. Also, on ApplyTexas, there’s this custom question for A&M:

“If there are additional personal challenges, hardships, or opportunities that have shaped or impacted your abilities or academic credentials, which you have not already written about, please note them in the space below.
A maximum of 40 lines will be sent.”

This obviously wouldn’t be me writing about the personal challenges I faced in coming to terms with my rank lol, but there’s something else I want to write about that would relate to this but the formatting confuses me. Would this be dealt with like an essay (700 words), a short answer (300 words), or a bullet point list or something??

@nylahdog23 I didn’t even fill that out on the application. However, I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be a couple paragraphs so short answer.

@Evon1254 thanks, that’s how I submitted it :smiley: Congratulations on your admittance btw!!

I read through last year’s thread and there was someone who had a 53% class rank but stellar test scores and great extracurriculars. They ended up getting Blinn TEAM, which is pretty rare for someone below second quarter. As long as you explain your situation in your essays, you should be okay. Admissions will see the upward trend in class rank which should rule in your favor. Best of luck!

Side note: Psychology is listed as an impacted major, so have a second choice ready in case you don’t get into psychology.

@fivsmajor so do people below second quarter usually just get rejected then? Also, is it possible to change major preferences through your portal, like you can for UT? I submitted my app an hour ago and I forgot to change my second choice…

Should I call them?? I had Psychology B.A. and Psychology B.S. as my first and second choices and meant to update it before submitting but I completely forgot :frowning:

@nylah23 Yes, you can request a change of major online via the A&M online portal. Also, in regards to what @fivsmajor said, no they don’t automatically reject you if your bottom half, its just like he said, it’s just much harder.

@Evon1254 thanks! Do you know how soon you receive the portal? And yeah, that makes sense, but I hope my explanations get through to them :frowning:

@nylah23 Two to Three days after you submit you app.