What are some good housing options for a transfer student?

<p>I sent in my transfer application (Radio-TV-Film/Undergraduate Studies second choice) a while ago and I am looking at some of the housing options at UT. The Co-Ops really caught my eye (cheap price and very close to campus) so I was looking at those. I don't have a car and since I plan on participating a lot in clubs (specifically TSTV) I'd like to be close to campus. What would be some good options?</p>

<p>I have yet to send in a housing application by the way. In all honestly I'd rather not live on campus since it costs a lot more. Co-Ops are really my main option. If all else fails however I have a cousin in Manor whose house is walking distance to a Metro bustop. It wouldn't be the most ideal but I won't be screwed over on anything if nothing else works out.</p>