<p>What are students from Penn called?</p>
<p>Quakers!!! I dont think they say Penners or Pennies or anything hah </p>
<p>Then there’s whartonites…</p>
<p>My friend came up with a REALLY clever term…but I don’t want to reveal it before he actually gets in Penn, cuz it’s so good that I want him to coin it himself.</p>
<p>Er, Penn students… what else would we be called? If you’re asking for our equivalent to, say, Princetonian or Yalie, I guess it would be Quakers.</p>
<p>If it’s Pennsters or Benjamins, then your friend gets a pat on the back and a fail</p>
<p>The fightin’ Quakers!</p>
<p>If you wanted to really pick those nits, I’d argue that the equivalent of Quakers would be Elis/Bulldogs in the case of Yale, and Tigers/******bags in the case of Princeton ;)</p>
<p>EDIT: in response to censorship, I can say the word in the asterisks rhymes with “moosh”</p>
<p>noo haha, it’s actually specific for a school, and it’s not wharton.</p>
<p>I’ve heard “Pennsies” and “UPennsies” but am not really a fan… that works with Yale (“Yalies”) but that’s kinda it. </p>
<p>I guarantee your friend came up with SEAmen or something along those lines.</p>
<p>Quakers if you want the mascot term
“Pennsylvanians” if you want the equivalent of Yalie or Harvidian</p>
<p>…never heard of pensies lol…</p>
<p>I never want to be called a Pennsy. Sounds too much like pansy. And Pensies looks like *****es.</p>
<p>Just saying.</p>
<p>maybe its CAStrations</p>
<p>Lol what have I started… and agreed. No “Pennsies.” I don’t hear it thrown around that often, thank god.</p>
<p>here is what pop up pennist</p>
<p>LOL it’s not SEAmen…although that’s pretty clever. Omg, I want my friend to get in so I can reveal the name without feeling guilty.</p>