This question has been on my mind for a while now. I know there’s a quota for each race (which I find a teeny bit unfair), so what’s the competition like for Asian Americans applying to icy leagues?
This is false–the admissions offices are working towards a certain level of diversity but they have no “quota.”
A ‘certain level’ is a target aka quota. The specific mix might change year to year. I’ve often wondered why Asians want to go to schools that discriminate against them.
@TooOld4School Same reason blacks wanted to ride the bus or eat in the restaurants or work at the company that discriminated against them. Same reason women want equal pay from sexist companies, gays want marriage liscences from homophobic judges. They want fairness and equality and justice. Basic human rights.
@WorryHurry411 : What? Blacks paid taxes for buses and were denied access to those services. There was no alternative low cost transport like in education. Restaurants could not have discriminated without the complicity of the government, clearly against the constitution. These days any restaurant who discriminated would have been out of business in a few weeks.
Do you think people would have voluntarily continued working for companies that denied them equal pay and promotion if there were an alternative? That is exactly what Pepsi did in the 1950’s and it gained lots of market share over Coke. Pepsi was known as an employer where blacks were promoted and prospered.
What sexist companies? The pay gap today is a social justice warrior myth. All but a few percent are due to length of service, employment gaps, different positions, etc. Any company who discriminates risks losing business and no company can afford that. Who wants to lose good people?
Did you know that marriage licenses came about because of eugenics programs and were designed to prevent whites and blacks from intermarrying? For millennia religious organizations and families arranged marriages. Doesn’t make more sense to have government out of marriage altogether? People could marry who they want that way.
So my point is that education is just like any product with lots of alternatives. Asians should take their money and talent elsewhere. Other colleges will become stronger and the Ivy’s weaker over time. Great colleges like the University of Michigan benefited from Ivy discrimination against Jews in the 1920s. They welcomed and sought those students. Now, nearly 100 years later, 15% of the students are Jewish (vs. 1.4% in the state of Michigan) and Michigan has received huge contributions from those students and their families. Michigan is ranked higher than the Ivy’s in many areas, such as engineering.
That is the reward for virtue. You can achieve “Fairness and equality and justice. Basic human rights” much more effectively by voting with your feet and wallet.
Closing thread. The OP started with an incorrect premise and the thread quickly went south from there.