What are the chances that I got in? Phone call from FA office after Decisions are made

So I applied to Grinnell as a transfer for the fall of 2015. I’ve got an outstanding FA form that I have to send because I had to wait for the IRS to update. Anyways, Grinnell mails out their decisions on May 8th, so decisions were probably made before that, but I got a phone call today at 10 am asking me to send my missing FA stuff in. If it’s already this late into the process, would a school even bother calling if I had not been accepted? Does anyone else have a similar experience?

Nice Based God avatar.

But really, there’s no way to know for sure about the larger significance of that phone call. I’d try to resist the urge to interpret it either way if I were you. Best of luck, though–Grinnell is a great school.

Did you get in? With regular freshman acceptance, I was missing some forms and two of the schools that kept sending me emails up to the week before were the one that ended up accepting me. Other schools sent me requests through the end of February and then stopped and I was either WL or rejected. Most schools were need blind.

With a recent wait list the package came after the acceptance.

I still don’t know. Apparently they pushed the transfer deadline to May 15th. I don’t know when they did this but hopefully they had made their decisions before I got the call. I’m gonna call them Monday and ask them if I got in because I have deposits due for other schools.