What are the easiest courses to take as a freshman?

I’m an incoming freshman and I was wondering what classes are easiest to take as a freshman first semester and which teachers were easy/good. I want a good gpa first semester! Thanks so much!

I suggest looking up profs on RateMyProf. Start with classes in subjects you enjoyed in high school (and performed well, obviously).

You could also ask this in one of the student social media groups (discord, Insta,…)

I don’t have a kid at Elon but at my D’s school students meet with an advisor to discuss the schedule. Depending on your major, your advisor may have specific suggestions if you need to meet class sequences, especially if some classes aren’t offered every semester.

Don’t think easy.

Challenge yourself and great things just might come your way.

Pay close attention to your schedule. Are you a morning person? I am not and yet I loaded my first semester with classes from 8-12 noon. I learned not to do that and even took some night classes the next semester. If you are good at writing then get your lit requirements out of the way. Psychology and sociology are interesting classes for most people, as is criminal justice.

You also don’t want to tank your gpa later by having to take a lot of hard classes in, say, junior year, when you might want a bit of time to enjoy you last couple of years of college.

If you take two harder classes and two easier ones, you should have a good balance.
For example, if writing is hard for you, maybe only take one course with a lot of writing requirements as a frosh. Balance that out with one elective, one easier required course, and maybe a harder science course with a lab.

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Choose the courses that will keep you on track for your major, or all of the possible majors you are considering.

Are you under GPA pressure, such as being a pre-med or pre-law student, or having a high GPA requirement to renew a merit scholarship?