What are the grade cut-offs in your classes?

<p>I think that most of my professors are unreasonably harsh. Some of them only gives A's if you're at ~ 97-98% average on all exams. I think that is ridiculous, especially since the averages are around the 60's or 70's for most of the classes, and kids end up getting D's and F's because the professors feel like giving exams that are too difficult and then grading them even more harshly. Biochem for example:</p>

<p>A (100-97)
A- (96-94)
B+ (93-90)
B (89-87)
B- (86-84)
C+ (83-80)
C (79-77)
C- (76-74)
D+ (73-70)
D (69-60)
D- (59-50)
F (<50)</p>

<p>Seriously, a 96 is an A-?? Like I said, kids are averaging a D or D- in that class... It's like grade deflation at it's worst. What your school like?</p>

<p>A (4.0) 93-100
A- (3.67) 90-92
B+ (3.33) 87-89
B (3.0) 83-86
B- (2.67) 80-82
C+ (2.33) 77-79
C (2.0) 73-76
C- (1.67) 70-72
D+ (1.33) 67-69
D (1.0) 63-66
D- (.67) 60-2
F (0) 0-59</p>

<p>It used to just be A-F with no plus/minus system, but they implemented it last year. Most of the professors in my college (business) don't do minuses, only plusses since it is up to the discretion of each college as to how they would like to grade since its still new.</p>

<p>Varies from professor to professor. Most are something like
94-100 A
90-93 A-
86-89 B+

<p>However, in one of my classes it goes
50-100 A
40-49 B
30-39 C
20-29 D</p>


<p>However, in one of my classes it goes
50-100 A
40-49 B
30-39 C
20-29 D


<p>WHAT CLASS IS THAT?! Oh my God!</p>

<p>Quantum Mechanics for engineers. He doesn't curve, instead he uses an odd grading scale.</p>

<p>85-100 a
80-84 a-
75-79 b+
70-74 b
65-69 b-
60-64 c+
55-59 c
50-55 c-
45-49 d
40-44 d-
0-39 f</p>

<p>What I've seen is 90-100 A, 80-90 B, etc.</p>

<p>It's grade deflation. Get over it.</p>

<p>A (4.0) 93-100
A- (3.67) 90-92
B+ (3.33) 87-89
B (3.0) 83-86
B- (2.67) 80-82
C+ (2.33) 77-79
C (2.0) 73-76
C- (1.67) 70-72
D+ (1.33) 67-69
D (1.0) 63-66
D- (.67) 60-2
F (0) 0-59</p>

<p>^ That.</p>