What are the odds of that?

<p>I'm just some guy, looking at the colleges. Pretty white, pretty surburban, I live in Massachusetts: good stuff.</p>

<p>34 ACT
800 writing
760 literature
740 math IIc

<p>Honor Society President
Played soccer, but I'm no good
Editor of newspaper at the high school
lead alto saxophone at the jazz band and such</p>

<p>essays: kind of poor, actually
recs: decent</p>

<p>gonna major in english/writing</p>

<p>Looking at: Amherst, Williams, Bowdoin, Middlebury, Cornell, Colby, Brown, recommend me some more perhaps?</p>


<p>skidmore, hamilton, wheaton, ithaca, colgate, union, haverford, tufts, brandeis.......good luck!</p>

<p>swarthmore (my personal favorite...), carleton, macalester, davidson are all very reputable, wonderful schools.</p>

<p>out of pure curiosity: if you want to major in english, why are your essays poor? are you lacking a muse? - because I can totally relate.</p>

<p>which of these schools do you guys think I have the best shot at getting into? Am I out of the running completely at any of these joints?</p>

<p>Yeah, I don't know why my essays are bad, but they are.</p>

<p>None of these schools are out of your range - now I think it's just a matter of doing a little research and finding out first-hand which of them would most fit you and your aspirations....holiday break, what perfect timing! This is the basic list of schools I'd been looking at until just a little while ago. I think that, of them, swarthmore, carleton and haverford are the very special ones that I could have seen myself at. Since you seem to have similar stats and interests to my own, I figured you could benefit from my list (I ended up getting accepted to swarthmore, which I think would be a very feasible option for you not only because your stats are very nice, but because you sound like a neat person....good luck!)</p>