What are the steps to become a nurse anesthetist?

<p>Yeah she said that she will pay for me to get done with my RN, then ill have to work my way through school to pay for the rest if i decide to go back for my CRNA. But i think i have to work 2 years as an RN before i can get my CRNA right? or my mom said i might work and start to get me CRNA. Okay, yeah i want to look into any possible steps to take, if u dont mind me asking are you a RN? And my mom is a RN, she wants me to go get my CRNA but im not sure im smart enough, t sounds really hard, and i dont want to pay all that money and fail… But im really going tward figuring out how i can do this without being in debt,and not being too hard on my self. What do you recommend?</p>

<p>Yes, I am an RN. I think you need to take it a step at a time. Get your AA if that is all you have money for then go to work. Then start on your BSN. By that time you will better know if you really want to be a CRNA. You may find you are drawn to another area of Nursing by then. If you take each step in pieces, you will be able to save enough money to pay for the next area of training.</p>

<p>Okay, So i think thats what im going to do. Everyone i ask says that except my mom. She thinks i should go to school while working, but i dont think im going to do that. Im going to work as an RN for a year or two, and save up my money and decide where ill take my education from there.Another question i have is should i just get my associated degree in RN or a bachelors? Thanks you were alot of help!</p>

<p>If your mom will only help with the AA then start there. If you can get into a BSN program and not take on too much debt then you can consider it. BSN programs are harder to get into. A lot of people do start the AA route to BSN due to money. I have a BSN. If you can get the BSN over the AA that is a better way to go since you need a BSN for more options. It all is what you can afford and what school you can get into. If your mom wants you to work, maybe you can do something part time on the weekend which will still leave you time to study.</p>

<p>Okay, im going to show her that. That sounds the best way for me to go. Now i have to look into the AA and see what they offer. Thanks again!</p>

<p>You are welcome. Good luck!</p>


<p>Ok. So basically, I’m a registered nurse who is very inclined to be a certified registered nurse anesthetist in the future. I love the challenge involved in the profession and the income stability of course. </p>

<p>For those who are looking for a step-by-step process in becoming a certified nurse anesthetist, here’s a very helpful article I’ve written myself:</p>

<p>[How</a> to Become a Certified Nurse Anesthetist | NurseBuff](<a href=“http://www.nursebuff.com/2013/07/how-to-become-a-certified-nurse-anesthetist/]How”>http://www.nursebuff.com/2013/07/how-to-become-a-certified-nurse-anesthetist/)</p>

<p>I will be adding more in the future because I find it very beneficial to find all the answers to my questions on my own.</p>

<p>Good luck to the future nurse anesthetists!</p>
