What are the steps to become a nurse anesthetist?

<p>Also, what is nursing school like? </p>

<p>Any tips for someone wanting to become an RN, and maybe one day a nurse anesthetist? </p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>Hello! I’m a junior nursing student at the University of Pittsburgh and my future goals (as of right now) are to become a nurse anesthetist as well. The first step is to get through nursing school, preferably a BSN program. Nursing school is very tough; it demands countless all nighters and many many hours of studying. But in the end it’s very rewarding, especially once you get into clinical. By that time everything you’ve learned starts coming together and everything starts to make sense. On our campus, if the nurses have an exam coming up, everyone can tell because the stress can be read from miles away and we’re always the ones having huge study sessions in the library trying to tie up loose ends in notes or techniques. Do you have any specific types fo questions you have about nursing school? It would probbaly be a lot easier to answer that then a more general question of what nursing school is like. Once you complete undergraduate the next step is to pass the NCLEX-RN board to become a registered nure. Now to be admitted into a nurse anesthetist program, most require experience (2 years reccommended) in an acute care setting (like the ICU). Once the epxerience is completed you apply for a masters program for nurse anesthetist. good luck to you!!!</p>

<p>panthernation: Are you able to have a social life in nursing school??? How difficult is the Pitt nursing program???</p>

<p>i am absolutely able to have a social life in nursing school…first semester i was here at pitt i pledged a fraternity, and i got my highest GPA so far during that time…i would say about 75% decide to have a strong social life while being in the program and then there are those that commit every minute they have to studying. as long as you stay on top of your work and work hard when you need to, you’ll be fine. the pitt nursing program is unlike any other that i have come across. a few of my friends went to other schools for nursing and when we compare stories, i feel I am way further than them and the material we learn seems a lot more in depth…pitt is big on research and there are a lot of opportunities to get in that area if interested. I am doing research with one my professors on mental illnesses, and it has led to great opportunities. This professor is also the president of the american foundation for suicide prevention pittsburgh chapter and through her I have gotten volunteer work in with the non-profit organization and I plan to start something with suicide awareness within the campus this fall…other than that the classes are very extreme and demand a lot of work. i started clinicals sophomore year first semester, and the experience has been unbelievable. a lot of it is stressful, the first two years are the worst with sophomore year being so killer with pharm. the hospitals located on our campus are a huge assets because presby is a level 1 trauma center, we have a va hospital, western psych, montefiore, and magee womens hospital all within a few blocks of each other.</p>

<p>Pitt is definitely a program like no other. you will be challenged. i dont know how many times we all have said that we never used to get C on exams but its the norm now. you have to work for your grade and be prepared to put a lot of time and effort in. They stack you with classes and your schedule is pretty much already prepared for you each semester. i dont think i took less that 16 credits (18max here) any semester and all of sophomore year i took 18 each semester. the professors are great (some better than others) but they are all there to help you. anatomy was by far my favorite so far, we got to use cadavers basically since the start!! if you have any other questions let me know, hopw some of this information has helped!!</p>

<p>Thanks so much for this information! It really helped! I’ve been searching the Internet for a long time for good information and for some reason I still wasn’t clear on how to become a nurse anesthetist. </p>

<p>Can you go into a nurse anesthetist program while only an RN? Or do you need your BSN? Or MSN? </p>

<p>Also, in the long run, does it really matter if you go to a university for nursing or a community College? (Besides the fact that 4 year universities offer a BSN, while you can only be a RN from a CC?) </p>

<p>Thanks again for all the information! It really helped! I am extremely interested in nursing! And I’m on my way to it now! About to be a freshman in college!</p>

<li><p>You need an BSN then you get an advanced degree to be a nurse anesthetist
[AANA</a> - Nurse Anesthetists at a Glance](<a href=“http://www.aana.com/ataglance.aspx]AANA”>http://www.aana.com/ataglance.aspx)</p></li>
<li><p>Some people start with a AA nurse degree then get their BSN later it depends on your own situation, finances, family situation and grades. If you can to for the BSN first that is the fastest way and it is best if you can get into a good program which will help you when you apply for your advanced degree.</p></li>

<p>hi, i just graduated last year from SSC with my ADN…im currently looking for a bridge program so i can get my BSN. the program is not very hard, its just time consuming…a TON of time.as long as you stay on top of your studies you’ll be fine…i personally didnt have much of a social life, theres alot of info to consume so there wasnt much time to socialize…i worked in the hospital while going through school and it helped alot, i could apply what i was being to what i was seeing at work…althought nursing school is pretty tough it is very rewarding…you can go ANYWHERE and get a job and the pay is modest…i also love the work environment and helping ppl…i meet didnt ppl everyday…as far as pursuing a career as a CRNA…let me tell you it is more than just time consuming i hear it is extremely difficult…i dont say tht to discourage you but to let you know…throughout the 36 months of school you can not work…you can barely speak to anyone let alone have a social life…but when you succeed the crna job satisfaction is over 90% nation wide…you also get to work alonside with highly professional surgeons, denist, and other medical professionals…and they are the HIGHEST paid nurses today. sounds worth it to me…</p>

<p>hope tht little bit of info helped.</p>

<p>Roughly, how long does it take to complete the education process to become a nurse anesthetist? To be specific, after you obtain a BSN/MSN and then your advanced nursing degree in anesthesia.</p>

<p>Timeline from the AANA website above:
Education and experience required to become a CRNA include:</p>

<p>A Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or other appropriate baccalaureate degree.
A current license as a registered nurse.
At least one year of experience as a registered nurse in an acute care setting.
Graduation with a minimum of a master’s degree from an accredited nurse anesthesia educational program. As of August , 2011 there were 112 nurse anesthesia programs in the United States utilizing approximately 2,450 approved clinical sites. These programs range from 24-36 months, depending upon university requirements. All programs include clinical training in university-based or large community hospitals.
Pass the national certification examination following graduation.
In order to be recertified, CRNAs must obtain a minimum of 40 hours of approved continuing education every two years, document substantial anesthesia practice, maintain current state licensure, and certify that they have not developed any conditions that could adversely affect their ability to practice anesthesia.</p>

<p>SO - currently 4 years BSN + 1 year working + 2-3 years Masters
but in the future this will probably require a Doctorate which means more education</p>

<p>My perception of nursing school is that it’s very practical. You basically take pre-med courses and then the rest of the major is doing hospital simulations and working with patients and helping doctors.</p>

<p>That’s as far as I know, I’m sure others will have more insight.</p>

<li>RN licensure</li>
<li>Advise 2 years critical care nursing full time</li>
<li>Apply to Masters program CRNA</li>
<li>Certification exam</li>

<p>It can be hard to go back to school full time after working as a nurse for the 2-3 years necessary to apply to Nurse Anesthesia school. Nursing is such a real world type of career, its not a bridge to another career and can be difficult to leave. It is not something one can do part time.</p>

<p>hello my name is shuntriva and i want to become an (CRNA) BUT i want to know what you have to do in high school (LIKE)?what grade you have to get to get an scholarship to a unversity ? how much years in college for you to become an (CRNA)? what are some thing i got to go through to become an CRNA ? am very confuse cause am only 14 and i see my future job as an CRNA and i want to know what to do in high school so i dont mess up please helppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp?</p>

<p>THANK YOU!!!1</p>

<p>As has been mentioned to become a nurse anesthetist requires an msn program in that field. To be elligible for that you need to have a BSN first. And almost all reputiable crna(nurse anesthetist) programs require at least 2 years of critical care experience. You might not even be able to land an ICU job right out of nursing school. If you do the fastest timeline for this is 4 years bsn, 2 years in icu, 2 for the nurse anesthetist program.</p>

<p>Hi, Im a Junior in Saginaw, MI. Im 16 years old. I go to Omni Adult Alternitave. I am now trying to figure out what im going to do for the rest of my life. I was looking into becoming a Nurse Anethetist. I dont know alot but that iis very hard but worth it in the end. I wanted to know what steps i needed to go through if i wanted to proceed this occupation. Does me being at an adult alternitave school effect my chances? How long does it take to become an Nurse Anesthetist? What kind of schooling should i make sure i work extra hard on? Is there any extra classes i should be taking? I cant afford to go to any college eccept Delta. But my mom said that ill have to work my way through another college to finish. Is this a bad job to go into if i dont have any savings? Someone please HELP…</p>

<p>Or do you think i should just go for becoming an RN?</p>

<p>LuciaGomez, if you have read through this thread you know you need to become an RN first. So set your sights on that and then later decide about being an Nurse Anesthetist.</p>

<p>Nursing schools are very competitive. I don’t know if this is the Delta college you are talking about but this is the AA program they have there. Later you could get a BSN and later still a Nurse Anesthetist. Good luck!</p>

<p><a href=“https://public.delta.edu/catalog/Pages/ProgramDetail.aspx?ProgramID=2904[/url]”>https://public.delta.edu/catalog/Pages/ProgramDetail.aspx?ProgramID=2904&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thank You.</p>

<p>I go to an adult alternitave school, does that negatively affect my chances of scholarships and getting into college? Should i be looking at just going to be an RN and then working 2 years and if i want to go back for CRNA? I read somewhere soon an associates degree wont even be acceptable, bachelors will be required. Should i take that into consideration.</p>

<p>I don’t know if going to an Alternative school makes a difference for admission. If there is an opportunity to write an essay or interview then you should make a point of discussing how much more focused of a student you know have become and how hard working you would be in nursing school. </p>

<p>Eventually, the AA programs will be phased out but they have been saying that for the last 30 years since I became an RN so I would take the opportunity to go to any nursing school if you want to be a nurse. There will be time after to get your BSN. </p>

<p>You can try and apply to BSN programs directly as well but I thought your mom only would pay for the AA program at Delta. What you can do is start working on your BSN once you finish the AA program if you need to do it in a 2 step process. There are online programs you can look at as well.</p>