What Are They Looking For?

A Point Park rep is coming to my school in a few weeks to do a master class. This is in no way an audition because we are all still juniors, but it is our first exposure to the school. What does the school look for in a student in re to energy, performing arts strengths, etc. Thanks!

I think if any of us could answer that question for any school, we’d be rich! Just be the best you that you can be and know that even though it is a dancer school, they take all strengths into the MT program. The students audition for dance classes at the start of the year and placed into the level that is appropriate for them. My daughter isn’t a dancer first and she’s there and happy. Best of wishes to you, @collegebound5678!

How many academic credits do BFA MT students have to take at PPU? Do they have to take math?

Here is the BFA MT requirements. There are 3 credits of math and 3 of science but I don’t know what kinds of classes would satisfy that requirement as my daughter hasn’t gotten to that point yet.

AAAHHHH, I just found a more detailed list for the core class categories.


I wonder what the Mathematical Experience class is? My singer is not find of math.

Sounds like soft math for non-mathematical types. Maybe like balancing a checkbook or counting your toes

Here’s the description from the catalog (that I just so happen to have saved on my computer)

Topics include logic, number theory, geometry, business mathematics, and statistics. This course is intended to fulfill the core mathematics requirement if chosen by individual departments.