What are your grades? For Highschoolers

<p>Rank - 1/158
GPA - 4.0</p>

<p>1st Trimester
AP English 11-1 - 96
Band A - 100
Chemistry A - 95
Journalism - 96
Music History - 102</p>

<p>2nd Trimester
AP English 11-2 - 96
Band B - 100
Chemistry B - 94
Drama 2 - 94
Honors Algebra 2-A - 96
Journalism - 99</p>

<p>3rd Trimester (yes, finally done with Junior year! I'm a senior!)
Band C - 100
Creative Writing - 96
Current Issues - 100
Honors Algebra 2-B - 93
Journalism - 98</p>

<p>Barring insurrection, or something drastic:</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0 uw, 4.3 w
Rank: 1/90</p>

<p>Junior Year:
Creative Writing (1st semester) : 98/ A
Physics (2nd semester) : 102/ A
Spanish IV (2nd semester): 98/ A
AP Statistics (year long) : 97/ A
AP Chemistry (year long): 97/ A
AP US History (year long): 96/ A
AP English Lang (year long): 95/ A</p>

<p>My school has finals this week, but for History, English, Physics, and Spanish, the final grade is a project or presentation, and I already completed the Stats and Chem finals.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0 uw (school doesn't do weighted)
Rank: 1/441</p>

<p>Junior Year Term 4
AP Government: 105/A
AP English Language: 101/A
Computer Programming I: 114/A
AP French: 104/A
AP Physics: 99/A
AP Biology: 105/A</p>

<p>PSAT: 214
ACT: 33</p>

<p>WOOT! Next year a senior!</p>

<p>^^^ how do you have averages above a 100?</p>

grade inflation</p>

<p>lol insane.</p>

^^^ how do you have averages above a 100?


Doing a lot of extra credit.</p>

<p>You're so lucky that your teachers actually assign extra credit...</p>

My teachers don't know what "extra credit" is.</p>


<p>I'm not sure of my total HS GPA. But, at this point, I don't care what it is. My grades this year have been the highest I've had in HS. :)</p>

<p>A means Advanced. AP = AP. And R means Regular.</p>

<p>Govt (AP)
Psych (AP)
Management (A)
Accounting (A)
Precalc (R)
English (R)
Financial Planning. (R)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.85 (well, 9-11)
Rank: top 10%
PSAT: 1640?
SAT: 1980
ACT: 30</p>

<p>My junior year final grades:</p>

<p>AP US History- B
Chemistry Honors- C
Algebra 2- B
AP Psychology- B
French 2- A
English Honors- A
Agriscience- A</p>

<p>2nd Semester Junior Grades:</p>

<p>Chemistry 1 Honors - A
AP Environmental Science - A
French 2 - A
English 3 Honors - A
AP American History - A
Precalculus - B</p>

<p>Semester 2 Freshman:
Spanish III/IV - A+
Honors Geometry - A-
Physical Education 9 - A+
Biology - A-
Honors English - A
Honors Geography - B * dangit! ;( *</p>

<p>UWGPA: 3.833
WGPA: 4.333
CUWGPA: 3.583
CWGPA: 4.0</p>


<p>2 out of 128 (private, prep school)
Weighted GPA (Junior): 4.75
Cumulated Weighted GPA: 4.44</p>

<p>AP Calc AB: A
AP Chem: A
AP Eng Lang: A
Span Hon: A
Religion: A</p>

<p>Lots of activities and leadership roles, but only JV tennis in freshman year</p>

<p>SAT: 1450/2220 (CR 690 M 760 W 770)
SAT II: Bio 690, M1 730, M2 790, US Waiting, Chem Waiting</p>

<p>Projected: Will post actual on Monday. </p>

<p>Freshman year
Honors World History - 96
Honors Writing - 96
Honors English I- 98
Honors Engineering- 97
Honors Pre-cal - 99
AP Art History - 94 </p>

<p>And I think my online Algebra II grade was lost. 0_o </p>

<p>GPA our scale</p>

<p>Weighted GPA: 5.10
Unweighted: 3.96</p>

<p>GPA Normal Scale
Weighted GPA: 5.14
Unweighted: 4.0</p>

<p>Oh, and although we don't rank, I should have a Higher GPA than was physically possible for anyone else in my school. Only person in AP class, ftw! Additionally, I believe I may have the Highest GPA in the History of my county-- for anyone.</p>

<p>I did a total of 11 clubs + sports, and I held 4-5 Leadership positions out of 7 that had leadership positions.</p>

<p>Freshman 2nd MP third hasn't come in yet
English 90
Math A term 3 96
Studio Paint 97
Spanish 1 92
Living Environment 93
Lab Pass
Global 9 92</p>

<p>Weighted Average 93.33%
I find my grades kind of terrible, working on improving them now but also in sophomore year</p>

<p>not so great =/ i messed myself up BIG TIME the last 3 years.</p>

<p>Last semester:
AP English- A
IB Psych 1- A
IB Study of the Americas- B
AP Calc AB- C
IB Chem- C
Extended Essat- A
IB Spanish 5- A</p>

<p>uw gpa: 3.3
weighted: 3.83</p>

<p>epic fail.</p>

<p>Junior Straight A's in</p>

<p>Latin II
Analysis (precalculus honors)
AP Bio
AP US History
AP Chinese
Philharmonia Orchestra
American Literature Honors</p>

<p>A in Lunch of course</p>

<p>So that should make my gpa a 4.342...still not on par for Asian standards</p>

<p>Straight As</p>

AP Micro Econ
Accelerated English III
Latin III

<p>Straight As, Junior Year</p>

<p>IB Math HL
IB English HL
IB European History HL
AP Biology
French 3 Honors
Concert Choir</p>