What are your parents like?

<li>How are they as people? Are they strict, funny, quiet?</li>
<li>What do they do for fun? Do they watch movies? Read books? Garden?</li>
<li>What are they proud of? What do they wish they could change about themselves?</li>
<li>What do you most like about them? How do you wish they were different?</li>

<p>My mom’s semi-bipolar, in a non-crazy way. She has mood swings, as does every one, and she’s wicked smart. She’s a teacher, so she helps me with school a lot. She reads books and watches HBO series on DVD for fun. I’m pretty sure she’s proud of getting her Masters in teaching while having two children under the age of 6 at home (at least, I’m proud of her for that).
I like my mom most when she just sits in the car and talks with me on the way to somewhere, like to the Adirondacks or Connecticut or something. I wish she had less mood swings. XP I love her!</p>

<p>Both PhDs, pretty cool, not really strict at all, but then again I don’t try and provoke them. They are both ex-hippies but not the burnt out crazy kind of ex-hippies. My dad is exactly like me.</p>

<p>Mother - Dentist
Father - Orthopedic Surgeon (though not in the US -_-)


  • How are they as people? Are they strict, funny, quiet?


They’re pretty cool. I can’t imagine parents who have no time for their children. My mother is always looking for something fun to do with the whole family. My dad is generally a nervous wreck and though a very jealous person trying to continually impress my mother with flowers and stuff.

They usually go clubbing downtown every other weekend.

They’re proud of their families, their children… <em>shrugs</em> No idea what they wish they could change about themselves…

I like the fact that they’re both very intelligent in medicine :D.
I wish my dad was more calm, cool and collected…and didn’t spend so much.</p>

<p>I don’t know so much to say about changing my mother. She’s pretty cool overall.</p>

<p>Despite what my username might indicate, I am not japanese or chinese or cherokee. I have Indian parents. I feel like that’s enough said.</p>

<p>Mes parents:

  1. My dad is soooo slow,it’s like his mind is slow, I suppose it’s old age. He puts a great deal of emphasis on education. The thing that bugs me about my dad is, he is such a HUGE hypocrite and he disrespects/insults my mom and most everybody. And he just cannot carry on a single conversation with me about any random fun thing- it always has to be a convo about my grades, my work, my future-- He is NOT fun to just hang with.</p>

<li>My mom- She’s awesome. She’s the most dedicated, disciplined, kind, generous, fun, incredible person I have ever met. She’s my best friend. She’s the kind of mom who will stay up with me and help me do projects and tells me dirty jokes. My mom really is cooler than my whole grade. <strong>I ONLY wish she would divorce my dad coz she deserves to be with a much better person.</strong> I wished for this on my 18th birthday.</li>

<p>Mom is chill…stepdad is a bit annoying. Both hard workers.</p>

<p>mom- at times we have it out but other times we’re laughing mainly because my dad makes us laugh. She’s cool and takes my side at times and i love her for that. She tries to make me avoid the same mistakes she made but my stupid self doesn’t listen to her</p>

<p>dad- i love him…lol he will make me laugh by doing the craziest things on purpose so i would laugh. When he gets serious, you better listen to him or it’s going to be worse than my mom.</p>

<p>At times they have childhood memories of me and it feels great!! Also, I’m a only child and i was really REALLY spoiled by my grandpa when i was little, right now, i’m a normal kid that has to beg for something she wants</p>

<li><p>my mom - huge tennis fan, watches a lot of tv, spends more time on the internet than off it lol. when she talks to me we have good conversations. she always talks about finding a new job and she applied a bunch of places so far but only one has gotten back to her so she’s waiting on the others. she is ridiculously smart. she always talks about what a good student she was in high school and how she won all these awards that i haven’t won. she likes hannah montana which is kind of strange for a woman of her age, but i watch it too so hey xD</p></li>
<li><p>my dad - also spends a lot of time on the internet, but doesn’t really do much else for fun. he’s agnostic but really into religion and he drags us to a different church every week so he can take notes and see what they believe. he’s weirdly philosophical and lectures me a lot on being a moral person. he works hard, and he’s also pretty smart but not as smart as my mom. he is kind of mentally ill and keeps trying to kill himself but we think/hope he’s getting better.</p></li>

<p>- How are they as people? Are they strict, funny, quiet?</p>

<li><p>Mom = like a 5-year-old little girl; ALWAYS has to get her way; yells even when she’s not mad; confrontational (even with nice people who don’t deserve it); racist</p></li>
<li><p>Dad = obviously grew up in the 60s; charismatic and sociable; extremely LOUD; talks to himself all the time; very proud; childishly melodramatic</p></li>

<p>- What do they do for fun? Do they watch movies? Read books? Garden?</p>

<li><p>Mom = watches television like Lifetime (where husbands abuse their wives); HGTV (interior design, even though we don’t even have enough money to do any of the home makeovers she watches, and even after watching hundreds of shows, she still doesn’t know how to make a house look nice); Friends (you wouldn’t know it from her attitude, though); occasionally late night talk shows (again, bizarre for something so consistently bitter)</p></li>
<li><p>Dad = Talks to people</p></li>

<p>- What are they proud of? What do they wish they could change about themselves?</p>

<li><p>Mom = her college degree</p></li>
<li><p>Dad = himself</p></li>

<p>- What do you most like about them?</p>

<li><p>Mom = her job requires her to be gone most of the day</p></li>
<li><p>Dad = NA</p></li>

<p>- How do you wish they were different?</p>

<li><p>Mom = ∞</p></li>
<li><p>Dad = Wish he would be less melodramatic and learn more about the world</p></li>

<li><p>How are they as people? Are they strict, funny, quiet?
My dad is an illogical man-ape that refuses to let me attend an awesome private school that is offering me 98% aid in grants… just because it’s in the east coast.
My mom is cool. I like my mom.</p></li>
<li><p>What do they do for fun? Do they watch movies? Read books? Garden?
They watch TV and read.</p></li>
<li><p>What are they proud of?
Me! </p></li>

<p>-What do they wish they could change about themselves?
Ability to speak english</p>

<li>What do you most like about them? How do you wish they were different?
I wish they listened to me more often. They care though, which i appreciate them for doing</li>

<p>to the point:</p>

<p>My mom nags me every day about school and SATs.</p>

<p>My dad doesn’t care but he’s an old man, and therefore annoying.</p>

<li>How are they as people? Are they strict, funny, quiet?</li>
<li>What do they do for fun? Do they watch movies? Read books? Garden?</li>
<li>What are they proud of? What do they wish they could change about themselves?</li>
<li>What do you most like about them? How do you wish they were different?</li>

<p>My mother is a school based health care director.
My father is a retired engineer who does some real estate stuff now.</p>

<p>How are they as people? Are they strict, funny, quiet?
Mother is sort of like a child. She’s never strict, and when she tries to be, it’s hard to take her seriously. She’s sort of shy or maybe meek.
Father is very strict. All of his children hate him for a period of their lives and only get over it once they don’t have to see him on a regular basis anymore. He’s on the phone all the time with a million people and some people seem to find him funny.</p>

<p>What do they do for fun? Do they watch movies? Read books? Garden?
My mother switches to a different thing every once in a while. She used to play tennis. She used to exercise with her personal trainer. Now, she is pledging Delta (a sorority).
My father is a member of a ton of groups. The NAACP, the Urban League, Cincinnatus, a steward at the church that only he goes to (my mother and I are more Catholic than Protestant). He talks to people a lot on the telephone. And he does all the gardening. I think he likes it.</p>

<p>What are they proud of? What do they wish they could change about themselves?
I guess my mother is proudest of us, my sister and me, her two kids. She and her sister brag back and forth about their children, but my sister and I are arguably more impressive. If she could change anything about herself, she probably wouldn’t want to be deaf.
My father is probably just generally proudest of himself. He likes how smart he is, and how successful he is, etc. He probably wouldn’t change anything.</p>

<p>What do you most like about them? How do you wish they were different?
I like how silly my mother is. She’s young in a way (even though she’s 54). She devotes a ton of time to me and she’s pretty cool to hang out with. But sometimes I wish she would act in a more mature manner.
I don’t really like my father. I just started talking to him a week ago after ignoring him for a year and a half. I guess I like that even though i was awful to him, he still did tons of stuff for me. But he’s probably used to his children hating him by now. I wish he were a nicer person. I wish he weren’t so horrible to my mother.</p>

<p>My mom is a usually nice, but VERY stubborn and tempermental. She doesn’t care less how we do in school, which is probably why my work ethic sucks.</p>

<p>My dad also doesn’t care how we do in school (but wants us all to go to Holy Cross). He somehow makes a lot of money even though he often lacks common sense and is very susceptible to persuasion.</p>

<p>Both my parents are boring to the maxcore.</p>

<p>That’s all that needs to be said.</p>

<p>Mom- Works at local grocery store high school degree only
Dad- Dead</p>

<p>- How are they as people? Are they strict, funny, quiet?
She’s pretty relaxed about what I do. Not so funny. She thinks she is though. Very sarcastic. She has poor people skills when it comes to making friends.</p>

<p>- What do they do for fun? Do they watch movies? Read books? Garden?
THis might sound odd, but I’m not sure. When I was younger she use to do cross words and puzzles and read all the time. Now, not so much. Internet? Maybe an oh so stimulating game of Solitaire once in awhile. </p>

<p>- What are they proud of? What do they wish they could change about themselves?
Yet again. I’m not quite sure… Great mother-daughter relationship aye? </p>

<p>- What do you most like about them? How do you wish they were different?
I like that she’s fairly stubborn, but I wish she would be when it counts. I also wish she would stop smoking. She’s quite the whiner. I just want to tell her to do something about it.</p>

<li><p>How are they as people? Are they strict, funny, quiet?
My mom is really nice and caring most of the time, although when she’s in pain she becomes evil and yells at me for every single little thing, even those I can’t control, she doesn’t care about my grades so long as she doesn’t get calls from my online teachers.
My dad is usually pretty nice (although I don’t know how he acts the rest of the time because I only see him once a week). My dad wants me to make straight A’s but he can’t control/monitor my grades because I only see him for a few hours each week.</p></li>
<li><p>What do they do for fun? Do they watch movies? Read books? Garden?
My mom usually watches tv and sleeps when sick (most of the time). But when she’s feeling better, she usually goes out to the bar with her boyfriend to play pool.
My dad usually just works all the time and when he doesn’t work, he plays golf or else he reads books relating to graphic design. I have such an interesting family, right?</p></li>
<li><p>What are they proud of? What do they wish they could change about themselves?
My mom is proud of her room (she loves redesigning her room whenever she has insomnia). She wishes she could get better soon and finish her Bachelor’s degree.
My dad is proud he’s getting his Master’s degree and is proud of all of his awards for being a great college teacher. He probably wishes he wasn’t so busy all the time and could spend more time with my sister and I.</p></li>
<li><p>What do you most like about them? How do you wish they were different?
I love how my mom is so nice and supports pretty much whatever I want to do. I wish she could take more of an interest in my school work and be healthier.
I love how my dad always talks about mature topics with me and gets me to question everything. I wish he would take the time to teach me some of what he teaches his students and spend more time with me.</p></li>

<p>Mom and dad are both Psychologists.</p>

<p>Both leave me to my own devices, but are very compassionate and try to help whenever possible.</p>

<p>Both read books, dance, watch movies for fun. My dad really likes to go do ___ in the ocean. insert any reasonable ocean activity onto the blank.</p>

<p>They’re proud of me and my sister mostly; they’re pretty selfless</p>

<p>Their kindness and understanding. Not much.</p>

<li><p>My mom is nice and talks a lot. She’s obsessed with the gym, and watches a bunch of TV (especially Desperate Housewives). I like that I can cry on her shoulder when I’m sad. She’s a bit full of herself, always bragging about her accomplishments and stuff…but at least it makes her happy and confident :slight_smile: Sometimes she tells really long stories even when people obviously aren’t paying attention. She’s a really good cook, and even cooks vegetarian food just for me so I don’t have to, which is really sweet.</p></li>
<li><p>My dad is obsessed with research and looking young. He spends most of his time in the office and thinks we should too. When he’s not in the office he’s on the couch watching the news or reading the same three books over and over again. He’s a nice person and very morally principled, but kind of bad at relating to people. I wish he had better people skills so he’d understand me better. And so he’d have friends outside the family.</p></li>

<p>Mom- Research Professor and CEO of small company
Dad- Retired after working for the FDIC for 20something years and then became CFO and CIO of my mom’s small company</p>

<li>How are they as people? Are they strict, funny, quiet? Pretty lax</li>
<li>What do they do for fun? Do they watch movies? Read books? Garden? They watch Star Trek, hgtv, garden, read, etc</li>
<li>What are they proud of? What do they wish they could change about themselves? I’m guessing that they are proud that they live in a custom home</li>
<li>What do you most like about them? How do you wish they were different? I like that they are lax and I wish that they would be tolerant of conservatives.</li>

<p>i love both of my parents. they aren’t too strict but help me get to where i need to be in terms of my goals and such. my mom is my best friend and dad is the best dad i could ask for. that sums it up.</p>