Something you do that parents find totally reviling and improper but perfectly fine?

<p>Marijuana and unprotected sex comes to the mind. More creative answers are definitely welcomed.</p>

<p>Wearing multiple layers (aka, like two tank tops and a long sleeve shirt)
Staying up 'till 3AM every day of winter vacation
Eating salsa with almost everything</p>

<p>you seem like a girl, I thought wearing more would make your parents happier? Strange</p>

<p>I thought of a couple things when I was reading.</p>

<p>Not coming home. Not answering the phone
Deliberately burning food
Eating something else besides what they made
Going to the bathroom 4 in the morning</p>

<p>Slamming doors. (Really *<strong><em>es my mom off. It gets enjoyable to do after awhile when she’s *</em></strong>ing me off.)</p>

<p>Eating chocolate in my room and 11-3</p>

<p>not going to bed at 10 PM. grrrrrrr…
or spending too much time talking and im-ing my friends when not studying (but, gosh, this is so much fun than studying and espeically when you got into MIT EA. lolz)</p>

<p>I’m a parent. My older son spits on the sidewalk as we’re walking together. It grosses me out and isn’t terribly socially acceptable either.</p>

<p>My sis and I enjoy trading insults. Creative, witty insults. Our parents are not amused.</p>

<p>^ my bro and i do the same thing, but my parents are fine with it, haha
and i agree about the spitting thing</p>

<p>my mom gets super suspicious when i wear a dress in winter(even if ill only be outside for 30sec the whole day)/has a lot of problems with various things i wear, but not the ones i would expect</p>

<p>^Wait, why does she have a problem with dresses?</p>

<p>Watching Buffy.</p>

<p><<em>< ></em>></p>

<p>Yes, really.</p>

<p>Yeah, the whole “going to sleep late” thing - and, well, trillions of other things.</p>

<p>Not eating with the fam.
NOT having a boyfriend (what the heck?!)
Driving when it’s snowing (Seriously, it’s Minnesota…)
Doing all my homework on Sunday night. =]</p>

<p>my mom thinks ill freeze to death even though i have a coat that goes to my knees, she also hates skulls on clothes (i dont wear them anyway, so its a nonissue, but she likes to point out how distasteful it is anyway). she also hates how late i go to sleep, but thats understandable, its getting really out of control at this point</p>

<p>My parents get upset when my brothers and I insult each other, which is especially funny given how obvious it usually is that we’re kidding.</p>

<p>For some ridiculous reason my parents don’t think it’s alright for me to go to people’s houses wearing a trench coat with only boxers on underneath (I’m not kidding about any part of this true and common event)</p>

<p>oh yeah, my parents think its improper for a guy to be in my room, even if there are 4 other people there.</p>

<p>1 guy and 5 girls? Sounds like fun.</p>

<p>well, usually its mostly guys, but still, nothings gonna happen</p>

<p>I know that game^
Turns into like a human version of operation til someone rings the buzzer finally…</p>

<p>my mom hates hoodies, shirts with hoods, and shirts with kangaroo pockets. haha
She also freaks if I dont answer my phone.
&& the whole driving in the snow thing</p>