<p>Curious what's everyone's safety/moderate list look like.</p>
<p>I'll start. (Harvard as a safety is understood duh)</p>
<p>Fordham University (Full ride woohoo)
University of Florida (I think I enjoy McDonalds more... flagship state school brainwashing ugh)
University of Miami (Nice.. although they charge an arm and a leg)</p>
<p>UChicago, UNC Chapel Hill, Pitt Honors, UGA Honors…I would also consider Johns Hopkins and Duke as safeties, but I haven’t been accepted to those two yet, so IDK.</p>
<p>University of Texas-already got in, so at least I have something. It is really funny that at both the Yale and Harvard interviews they commented on how good a university the University of Texas is.</p>
<p>Brandeis and UVA (legacy). Don’t really see why so many safeties are necessary, seeing as you’ll almost certainly get into most of them and you only go to one…</p>
<p>UTexas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech (guaranteed admit, since top 10% rank, honors candidate)
Baylor, Texas Christian University (got full ride scholarship there)
Rice University is a semi-safety I guess</p>
<p>u guys have MIT as a fallback… Boy do I need to read some of your recs and essays. I would sell a kidney to go there and some of you guys make it seem like a piece of cake to get in…</p>