<p>I'm looking for the schedules of CAS and LSP students. Can you:</p>
<li>List your classes for each semester</li>
<li>Say what program you are in (CAS or LSP)</li>
<li>Say what year you are </li>
<li>Specify if the class is part of the core (just write "core" in parenthesis after that class)</li>
<li>Say what classes go towards your major</li>
<p>The reason I'm asking is because I got into LSP. I hear that LSP makes it hard to take classes you want and to do a double major. In order to help my decision, I am planning every course I would take in my 4 years at NYU (I'm doing it for different potential majors and I realize that my preferences will change in college, but this is just a preliminary to help me decide if I want to attend). I would like to know what LSP students take (for obvious reasons) and what CAS students take (to compare with LSP in order to see how much I'm actually missing out on).</p>
<p>If you think its an invasion of privacy to post your schedule, you can simply use broad aliases (Like, bio would be BIO 1 (core), maybe molecular bio would just be BIO 2 (major), or whatever) </p>
<p>Thanks. Please be as quick as possible. I have to decide soon. =)</p>