What California schools will take a transfer from ASU?

My son (California resident) is about to finish his sophomore year at ASU with a 3.8 GPA, finance major. Is it realistic to consider transferring to UC Davis, UCSB, or Cal Poly for Spring 2024? The transfer acceptance rates for Davis & SB seem relatively high but I think that’s for CCC students, not OOS.

If not those, any other UCs?

UC Transfer priority goes to California CC students followed by UC to UC/CSU to UC, California Private 4 year universities and finally OOS/International students. Cal Poly SLO? SLO does not take Spring Transfers along with the most of the UC’s. UC Merced, Riverside and Santa Cruz may take Spring transfers but you need to check each campus.

Also the majority of the Cal States and UC’s require a Junior level transfer (60 semester/90 quarter units) and since he is OOS, he needs to determine if all the ASU courses are UC/CSU transferable.

What major?

Here are the 2022 OOS Transfer admit rates by campus

Berkeley 7% 632 44
Davis 13.6% 308 42
Irvine 11.8% 456 54
Los Angeles 6.8% 791 54
Merced 35.2% 88 33
Riverside 35.8% 226 81
San Diego 33.7% 451 152
Santa Barbara 32.0% 387 124
Santa Cruz 19.3% 451 152
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Cal Poly Pomona, Cal State Fullerton, Cal State Long Beach are some of the CSU campuses that accept Spring Transfers. You need to check with each CSU campus to determine if they will accept Spring Transfers.

I’m curious: How does a student who is a California resident and who went to high school in CA but is applying to transfer from an OOS public or private 4-year university fit into this hierarchy?

If they are transferring from a college outside California, they are still considered an OOS transfer regardless of California residency.

Thanks for that clarification! Good to know. Do you have a UC link that describes that?

This link states that California CC’s have the highest priority: Other types of transfers | UC Admissions.

The UC transfer hierarchy I posted was taken from one of the UC Counselor conference notes but I am unable to find that link.

With the UC TAG program, UC Transfer Pathways, Assist.org and a new Pilot program for direct admission to major at UC Berkeley, the UC’s have invested their resources for the CC to UC transfer applicants.

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Based on that hierarchy, would an OOS resident attending a private CA college have better UC transfer chances than a CA resident attending a private or public OOS college?

Based on the hierarchy, a student from a CA Private University would have a higher priority than an OOS applicant but also many of the CA Private universities will have course articulation with the UC’s and CSU’s while many OOS schools do not which makes meeting the transfer requirements even more difficult. There is a USC to UC transfer currently posting in the transfer discussions whom has been accepted to several UC’s.

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Neither Davis nor Santa Barbara has an undergraduate finance major - does he want to give that up and major in econ?

I’ve definitely seen CA students transfer from an OOS public U to a UC. But for a full undergrad business program, the UC options are Berkeley, Irvine, and Riverside… and Berkeley Haas is reachy even for continuing Berkeley students, so the other two are better targets, in addition to Cal Poly and other CSU’s https://www.calstate.edu/attend/degrees-certificates-credentials/Pages/search-degrees-results.aspx?campuses=&k=Finance&

ASU Carey is a good business school, though… is he unhappy there?

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Where did you find this data regarding the 2022 OOS Transfer admit by campus?
Can you please link it to me.

From the UCOP Application and admission tables. You need to calculate them yourself.

What the data does not breakout is how many OOS transfers actually attend in-state CC’s or 4 year schools and how many actually attend OOS schools. The source school is not known. This information impacts the International transfer rate more since there are many students that attend a CA CC to transfer.

Here are the new 2023 Transfer rates which I calculated.

2023 Freshman admit rates (Preliminary Data from UCOP) Includes # of applicants/# admits

Berkeley 30% (16112/4914) 6% (625/39) 24% (633/2605)
Davis 65% (13004/8493) 28% (301/86) 66% (1436/951)
Irvine 43% (19487/8339) 17% (508/85) 54% (2092/1121)
Los Angeles 28% (20465/5665) 6% (738/44) 17% (2751/471)
Merced 74% (3259/2410) 48% (92/44) 67% (312/209)
Riverside 60% (10533/6277) 33% (244/80) 64% (819/528)
San Diego 65% (17239/11200) 25% (514/126) 52% (2189/1138)
Santa Barbara 61% (14975/9189) 26% (397/102) 61% (1669/1011)
Santa Cruz 66% (10179/6727) 27% (276/75) 62% (685/420)