What chance do i have at berkeley?

<p>all right here goes... (already been accepted to UCI, UCD, UCSB, UCSD) not feeling too good about my chances for Berkeley though since i got rejected from UCLA.....</p>

3.95 UC GPA</p>

610 Spanish
610 Chemistry
760 US History
33 Composite
36 Reading
36 Writing
29 Science
32 Math</p>

<p>AP tests:
European History:4
US History: 5
2009 I'm taking the Physics, Spanish, Calc A/B, and Government tests</p>

<p>EC's: (not many cuz one takes up a huge amt of time....)
Varsity Baseball (about 30 hrs a week....)
Youth Basketball coach (6 hrs a week)
VIP Baseball instructor- (VIP baseball is a league for mentally and physically challenged kids)</p>

<p>random little awards/misc:
AP Scholar with Honor ( at least an avg. of 3.25 on all AP exams taken)
Scholar Athlete
CSF Member</p>

I've worked at a hardware store and as a tutor.</p>

<p>Personal Statements:
I thought they were pretty good, and so did my counselor...</p>

<p>all right, there you go.... pretty nervous about hearing back form Berkeley... comes on the 26th... any feedback would be greatly appreciated.. just be brutally honest... oh and i applied undeclared</p>

<p>lol lol lolz</p>

<p>Lolz lolz lolz</p>

<p>Just wait and see and stop worrying.</p>

<p>Uhm, 28.753%?</p>

<p>you’ll get in. I mean, seriously, 3.95 GPA and 2060 on your SAT’s? that’s good enough</p>

<p>bumps bumps</p>

<p>I’m not 100% sure about this, but I have talked to numerous college counselors and read from my articles by college admissions officers that AP’s and SAT 2’s are EXPECTED to be well. It is not an extra, but it is what you are supposed to do, and do it well.
I’d say that your resume looks decent except for the 3 on your Bio AP and your Spanish and Chem SAT subjects.</p>

<p>ya… thanks for the feedback</p>

<p>i’m waiting on berkeley also, but i got into ucla. you have more ap’s than me, but i have more extra curriculars than you. where you from?</p>

<p>People have got in with less, people have been rejected with more.</p>

<p>lifeguard, i’m from southern california</p>

<p>one last bump</p>

<p>I thought that UCLA would be easier to get into than UC Berkeley. Since they are in the same UC system, not getting into one might be a sign that you won’t get into UC Berkeley since it is so competitive. But I still think that you have strong stats. I compared you on: [■■■■■■■■■■■■■</a> - University of California: Berkeley](<a href=“http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■.com/college.php?college=25#cstats]■■■■■■■■■■■■■”>http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■.com/college.php?college=25#cstats) and it seems like you are just under the average but still pretty good.</p>