<p>I'm stuck on what classes to choose (6 in total)... My school has a lot to offer. Including every AP and Honors class possible. Here's what I'm thinking...</p>
<li>AP Biology (I've heard stories about the science portion being the toughest)</li>
<li>Spanish 3 (Looks good on the transcript and teacher recommended AP Spanish senior year)</li>
<li>Honors Physics</li>
<li>Either AP English Lang or Advanced Composition A</li>
<li>AP Calculus AB</li>
<li>AP Micro/Macro</li>
<p>Some notes to consider:
* IF I take Advanced Comp A as a junior, I can take Honors Advanced Comp B as a senior, which is the most rigorous English class in the school. Plus it's a class that mainly focuses on college essays. However AP English Language is, well... An AP class.
* I think Spanish 3 will be a good fit since I will be taking the SAT II Spanish subject test</p>