What classes to take over the summer?

I will be graduating with AP credit in human geography, us history, and hopefully Economics Calc BC and Chem.
I will be going in as a business major. I was thinking of taking a few courses at my cc during the summer. What classes would you suggest I take and what classes to not claim AP credit for( if any).

Getting English knocked out is pretty popular. Wait to claim credit until you talk with an advisor -there is NO advantage to accept credits before meeting with your advisor. One of my kids waited until junior year to claim one of his credits, they don’t expire & you don’t have to make decisions in advance - no matter how many units you have, for NSC you all start registering for classes at the same time within your NSC. Math classes are also based on your results for the math placement test (you take it online- it is a timed test) even if you pass your AP course if you don’t score high enough you have to take the math series.

You should take texas government and national government over the summer. Those classes are required by all majors.

Thanks. I was thinking about doing English over the summer because I am really not that good at it. I know it will be easier at cc than at tamu

Are you receiving a freshman merit scholarship from TAMU? Is there a limit to how many credits you can have to still be considered a freshman? Just something to keep in mind.

Scholarships here aren’t done that way - they are undergrad/graduate based.

You do not accept credits before you get here, not wise for many reasons but mostly because decisions about accepting credits & adding majors/minors are NOT reversible. Your advisor will help you at NSC and again while in your first semester here.

Look at the core curriculum and see if any of these courses are offered. I believe every major needs Pols 206/207, History 105/106, 2 ICD classes, social and behavioral, creative arts, and for Business majors Econ 202/203. Here is the core curriculum link http://core.tamu.edu/ . Here is the business degree plans http://catalog.tamu.edu/undergraduate/business/#majorstext . Try and match it up with those classes. And here is link for transfer equivalency and see if the course matches up with an A&M course https://compass-ssb.tamu.edu/pls/PROD/bwxkwtes.P_TransEquivMain?te_type=inst .

Take your credit for calc and chem, get those out of the way. They’re a real pain to retake here.

POLS is really dependent on the prof you get. Some professors hand out As like Halloween candy, and some make that class way harder than it needs to be. So if you were forced to make a choice for classes this summer, I’d knock out English at juco and then take my chances at getting a seat in a good POLS class. If all the easy profs fill up by the time you register, just try again second semester.

When it comes time to register for classes, the TAMU GPA rep;ort is your bible. Use it to find the easy profs and elective classes. Double-check with Rate My Professor to make sure the prof’s a good guy and you’re good to go.

Thank you so much! I would have never known about it. You will probably save me a world of headache around registration time