What College Is Best For Me

I have a 4.0 GPA and am currently in my junior year of high school. I am taking an AP class this year and plan to take at least 4 next year.
I live in central Idaho but I definitely want to go somewhere out of state for college to get a change of scenery. I mainly want to go to a midsize college town in the west that is semi-affordable. I am planning to major in science or engineering, still haven’t narrowed down my job choice.
Any suggestions are welcomed.

SAT/ACT/PSAT scores? What is your college budget/year? Any schools or states in particular?

Look into Kansas State. You could get good financial aid there and they have good science and engineering programs, a nice study abroad program and a good Honors college. My son is OOS and loves it there!

No SAT scores yet. I’d prefer colleges in the west.

Also, I’d prefer higher ranked colleges.

Around 35k would be my max.

So money wise, what is semi-affordable? How much money/year can your parents pay? How many AP classes are offered at your HS and how many AP classes do the top students take in 4 years? What will be your highest level of Math taken by end of Senior year? Which AP classes are you taking and plan to take? Are AP classes only available to Juniors and Seniors?

So it is tough to have a highly ranked college and a cost of $35K (per year, I assume you mean, not total). Do you think you would be eligible for need based aid (would be helpful to know approximate family income). Also, it is difficult to make suggestions with no test scores.

You will likely want to look at WUE schools – Google it – you can get pretty good deals (1.5 times in-state tuition) at a lot of western schools. I think New Mexico and Arizona publics might be in your price range (or give you merit) if your test scores turn out pretty well.

I will be taking AP calculus and there are only about 8 AP classes at my school. Not many take all of them. My class ranking is 3rd of 74.

One very good Engineering/Science school that would be in the $35-40K/year range would be Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in California but they give little to no aid for out of state applicants. I would run the Net Price calculator on each school of interest. Without test scores it is hard to give any recommendations especially if you are looking for merit aid.

Household income is about $60,000 for us.

Cannot see how your family can afford $35K/year if your household income is $60K/year?? You need to look to in-state options as safeties and schools that will give you very good need-based and merit aid. Need some test scores for that.

I have a lot of college fund savings. Over 50k.

And my grandparents have a lot of money to help.

50K for 4 years= $12,500/year. Barely enough to pay for room/board at an OOS school. Until you have some test scores I suggest you look at this link for full tuition and merit aid schools:


You need to know if the 50,000 is for all 4 years or if your grandparents are giving you money. And how much. Because is your scenario you are expecting your grandparents to give you 23,000 A YEAR! Super generous but may not be happening. YOU NEED TO FIND OUT your budget. This is the toughest part of the college choice process for almost every student. Good luck. Come back with a specific budget and you will get lots of realistic ideas.