Western schools where i could get lots of merit aid?

<p>Schools on the west half of the country
Freshman: Honors english-A/A Spanish 1-A/A Adv Alg- A/A PE-A/A Honors Bio-B+/A Honors History-A/A SOPHOMORE: Honors humanities (eng/history block)-A/A Spanish 2-A/A Precalc-A/A PE-A Care and prevention of athletic injuries-B+ Honors chem-B/B JUNIOR Foods-A Health-A AP Lang- A/A APUSH-A/A Spanish 3-A/A AP Calc AB-B+/A Honors physics-A/A SENIOR schedule: BC Calc AP stats Ap chem Ap lit Mechanical engineering Art Unweighted gpa ends up being 3.88ish SAT: 1960 ACT:33</p>

<p>There are too many to list. What can your family afford? Any particular majors you have in mind?</p>

<p>Engineering probably… I live in washington. Could only go out of state with significant financial aid… Thats why im asking. The cost would need to be knocked down to about 20,000 yearly</p>

<p>Is there a reason you aren’t interested in UW?</p>

<p>None of the other schools I’m about to list are as good as UW. If you can afford UW, go there. </p>

<p>Washington State University could be used as a financial safety.
Other schools that offer engineering and enough guaranteed merit to bring the total COA lower than $20,000 are Montana State University: [Office</a> of Admissions - Scholarships](<a href=“Undergraduate Scholarships at Montana State - Undergraduate Admissions | Montana State University”>Undergraduate Scholarships at Montana State - Undergraduate Admissions | Montana State University)
University of Wyoming [Rocky</a> Mountain Scholars | Non-Resident Freshmen | Scholarships | Admissions | University of Wyoming](<a href=“404 - Page Not Found”>http://www.uwyo.edu/admissions/scholarships/non-residents/rms.html)
Colorado State University [Cost</a> of Attendance - Student Financial Services](<a href=“http://sfs.colostate.edu/cost-of-attendance]Cost”>Cost of Attendance 2022-2023 | Office of Financial Aid | Colorado State University) [Scholarships</a> - Admissions - Colorado State University](<a href=“http://admissions.colostate.edu/scholarships]Scholarships”>http://admissions.colostate.edu/scholarships) Note that it’s not guaranteed but you have a high likelihood of getting some merit aid
Other schools have more competitive merit scholarships, but few that bring the total COA to under $20,000 a year.</p>

<p>The better Western schools that have eng’g probably aren’t going to give you enough merit to get costs down to $20k except for those mentioned in post 6 and maybe Arizona or Arizona State (even then, I think the cost would be reduced to about $25k per year). </p>

<p>Santa Clara would likely give you some, but the remaining costs would be around $35k-40k per year. LMU would give you some, but the remaining costs would be about $40k per year. </p>

<p>Is there a reason why you’re sticking with the Western half of the US. You’d get much bigger merit at Alabama. You’d get free tuition plus $2500 per year. Your remaining costs would be about $13k per year (and that would be with the very nice super-suites dorm with private bedrooms). Alabama has a new mega-sized Science and Engineering Complex - over 800,000 sq feet of new STEM academic space gorgeous and state of the art.</p>

<p>University of New Mexico IF you win a Amigo Scholarship (remits OOS tuition differential, plus gives $500 towards transportation costs) would come in just under $20K</p>

<p>Amigo Scholarship (and other scholarships)</p>

<p>[Undergraduate</a> Scholarships :: | The University of New Mexico](<a href=“http://scholarship.unm.edu/scholarships/index.html]Undergraduate”>http://scholarship.unm.edu/scholarships/index.html)</p>

<p>UNM has a better engineering program than do CSU, MSU and UWyoming.</p>

<p>Ill probably end up at UW. Its just thats where my brother is. I was looking for other options. Thanks! Chance me for cal poly slo engineering?</p>

<p>Either Univ of Oregon or Oregon State (don’t remember which one), is definitely an engineering focused school. They also participate in the WUE (tuition is 1.5x in state).</p>

<p>Also, in regards to sending a chance, don’t spell out all of your classes… do something like:
gpa 3.88 UW
SAT 1960
ACT 33
AP - english (3), euro history (5)
you can add any particular extra curriculars you think are worth mentioning.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t send in your SAT score, your ACT is much higher. Also crazymonster, you’re thinking about Oregon State which doesn’t seem to offer enough money to bring the total COA below $20,000 per year [OSU</a> Scholarships | Financial Aid and Scholarships | Oregon State University](<a href=“http://oregonstate.edu/financialaid/osu-scholarships]OSU”>http://oregonstate.edu/financialaid/osu-scholarships)</p>

<p>And neither OSU or UO participate in WUE any longer.</p>

<p>Also, if you want Chances, please post on the What are my Chances? forum, not here.</p>

<p>And when you get the WUE discount, you don’t also get merit.</p>

<p>With UW as your likely school, you might as well throw a few apps out at other schools that will give you large merit so you could have options if you change your mind about UW later.</p>

<p>Oregon institute of technology has engineering degrees & participates in WUE.
WUE tuition is $10,200 for the 2012-2013 school year.</p>

<p>Liberal arts colleges like Willamette tend to give generous scholarships to students they want, but they also don’t have engineering programs. Some have agreements with other schools in some type of five year program.</p>