What college is right for me?

<p>Hey wats up. Just wondering what college might be good for me.
I am thinking about doing engineering with a minor in busniess, but still want a college that has many options beyond. I perfer if a college does not make you decide a major until like soph, or junior year. I don't want a too big or too little school. # freshman 1000-3000. A very nice campus, lots of land to explore with nice architecture, not intergrated into a city. Must be pretty close to a city though. I don't want a major party school, but i still want a school that does have parties. I don't want a school too liberal ( i am conservative myself, but i realise most colleges are liberal). Somewhat intimate college experince, not too much though.
Here are my stats if you want to look at them. They are not very impressive lol</p>

<p>Gender Male Junior
Race Indian
State OR
GPA 4.000 UW 4.133 W this will go up in 2 wks.
Rank 6/650 It should be 4, but i took some math classes in middle school in which i got A's, but it lowers my weighted gpa
Sat This is where it gets bad M 760 Cr 700 Wr 670 (11 essay)
Sat 2 Chem 760
PSAT 223 M 80 Cr 75 Wr 68
I know my SATs suck, but i am retaking.
Frosh schedule
Pre-calculus A/A
Chemistry A/A
CAD 1/2 A/A
Health A
Global Studies A/A
French 2 A/A</p>

Ap Chem A/A/5
Intro to Law A
Tech Projects (shop) A
LIT 10 + American 10 A/A
Health A
French 3 A/A</p>

AP Calc BC
Ap Physics
AP Lang
Ap Psych
Ap Us history
Social Anthropology
Art 1 (UC Requirement thats why)
Link Crew
-Piano 7 years. 6 time Oregon festival gold ribbon winner. 2 time gold cup winner
-State Champion for chess 7th graders 2004. State Champion for chess 8th graders 2005. Ranked 3rd in state for 11th graders. Varsity chess. All state and metro player. Won around 2000 dollars from chess.
-Lemelson- MIT Inventeams (10,000 dollar grant from MIT). Went to MIT during summer to present project in front of many. Continuing projects this year. Returing Grant of 2,000
-Science bowl this year.
-Pc build for charities with Intel
-CTY CAMPS 4yrs all math and science classes
-Volunteered at library +60 hrs.
-Engineering class at Johns Hopkins U.
-Rec league Basketball team (should i include this on apps or leave this out?)
-Prolly try for internship at intel this year
I am hoping to do a lot of reaserch this year, if i can find how i can contact prof etc. I will prolly apply to RSI, but of course the chances are so slim it is not even worth mentioning.</p>

<p>I post stats so you guys can suggest a college thats realistic. thanks a lot.</p>

<p>case western, northwestern, georgia tech, wash u, villanova, santa clara, carnegie mellon</p>

<p>These schools all have decent engineering, also offer business, fall within the size range you specified and are in or near cities. They have a wide range of SAT scores, too, so you can have reaches, matches and safeties within this list. I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones that came to mind.</p>

<p>Wow! You really have nothing to worry about. But do you have any preference about the location or the type of school you prefer, such as big vs. small?</p>

<p>Sorry, i didn't read the top but like ricegal said you should think about georgia teach which should be a safety or maybe even MIT.</p>

<p>Northwestern is not a match school for you. It does not offer a business major or minor, and you must apply to and be accepted by a particular college within the university. Your ghetto hip hop vernacular suggests that you may prefer to attend a school in the city, any large city. Your SATs and qualifications are outstanding, but you need to find a match school for your personality and interests. Schools such as Penn, MIT, Northwestern, Duke, Emory, Notre Dame, etc. do not seem to match your personality. Your test scores and credentials indicate that you are qualified for any school in the country. Possibly a large state school such as Michigan or the Univ. of Wisconsin. Also consider Ohio State Univ. or the Univ. of Miami. Good luck!</p>

<p>Yeah i have actually visited MIT to make a presentation over the summer. I liked it, but i felt that there was no real campus. It was intergrate into the city, with building scattered. Also i really like "Hogwarts" style architecture in schools. Castles, gothic buildings, large area, streams, rivers etc. MAybe even a "secret" entrance or two lol :). Thanks for the suggestions.</p>

<p>Mit.... .</p>

<p>Maybe Cornell, if you want that kind of a campus? Best engineering in the Ivy League too...</p>

<p>Conservative + Engineering + Business....I think of Lehigh. It's the perfect fit for what you want, even when it comes down to size and location. </p>

<p>Plus, they're looking to diversify, so you could possibly get scholarships in that regard.</p>

<p>uh icy how am i ghetto?</p>

<p>i dont think you should be worrying about anything..unless your parents kill you for not getting into HYPSMC. then it's a crap shoot.</p>

Schools such as Penn, MIT, Northwestern, Duke, Emory, Notre Dame, etc. do not seem to match your personality. Your test scores and credentials indicate that you are qualified for any school in the country. Possibly a large state school such as Michigan or the Univ. of Wisconsin. Also consider Ohio State Univ. or the Univ. of Miami.


Actually, I think Penn, MIT, Emory, Duke, etc. are good fits. They're medium sized, in or near cities (but the campuses are still campuses), and they have a balanced social life. </p>

<p>UW, UM, and OSU are probably too big for the OP (and the former two are probably too far-left liberal). </p>

<p>I will agree with you on Miami though - it could work well.</p>

<p>I'll tell ya brown guy to brown guy: don't apply to U of Wisconsin. It's way too white of a school. Seriously, there were only a handful of people at the Diwali show.</p>

<p>U Maryland College Park would be a good safety. It has the programs you are looking for and the atmosphere. Architecture is colonial, not Hogwarts, but old. Also, have you considered USC?</p>

<p>My parents DON't want me to apply to hyp lol. They would like stanford and would love MIT however. I looked at USC online etc and i went to Maryland this summer and heard a lot of my friends talk about college park, so that might be a good option.
I am no too brown. I am kinda whitewashed. Last time i celebrated an indian festival was when i was 8. I moved to America at 7!
I like colonial too.</p>

<p>It is interesting to see how differently readers react to and interpret the OP's post. My suggestions were largely influenced by the "tone" of the original post rather than by the literal meaning of the content. Opening lines are important as they often are very influential in forming a mental picture of the applicant's personality. Worldchanger probably read the original post in a more literal sense than I did. Point being that writing has to be done carefully and consistently to convey the writer's intended message or risk having two very different interpretations when the tone, or writer's personality, varies from the literal meaning of the text. Important here because a large component of matching a student with a school is subjective based on the applicant as well as on the reader.</p>

<p>My writing is pretty consistent with my personality. My writing is prolly a little more formal than my everyday talk.</p>

<p>Then I stand by my recommendations regarding match schools for you.</p>

<p>I would take a look at Wash U. Although it might be a little too liberal for you, it offers enormous academic flexibility. You can apply to the engineering school and switch over to business with no problems. You can also double major fairly easily. It is a beautiful campus, located near a large city but not in the downtown area.</p>

<p>^ wait washington state U at pullam or washington U in St. Louis?</p>